The Lilies pt 1.

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This means normal talking or actions
This means thoughts or emphasis on words.

Lily's pov

"forgot to ask is...... who are you and how did you get here?". Lucius asked the unknown girl.

"My name is Luna lovegood, Mr. Marilyn Monroe wannabe". Luna spoke in her usual dreamy voice. Her response made lily double back in laughter.

I can't wait to tell Marlene about her!

Severus's pov

What's going on?

Severus could hear Lucius' s and Lily's voices as he started to wake up. Lucius asked Luna, or the girl who claimed that was her name, who she was and how she got there. She answered the name part adding the funny nickname for the blonde boy.

Lucius was giving lily an earful with a voice that sounded flustered, while she was howling with laughter at the girl's response.

"A time turner. That's the only way to travel in time Lucy, or did you forget?".

Severus said pushing himself to sit upright. He winced, feeling a sharp pain in his back as he moved.

"Professor snape, glad to see you're better now".

"I- um.... thank you Luna?". Severus wasn't still comfortable with being called that, but he would learn to get use to it. Since it seemed that the situation he was in wasn't a dream.

"Now tell me Luna, did you happen to find an hourglass trinket by any chance?".

"Yes I did. I put it in my shoe that I threw at the marauders, I'm sure it's still out there". Luna pointed out the window.

"Well Luna could y-"

"Visiting hours are over!". Madam Pomfrey said cutting off Severus.

"You can come back tomorrow once he's all rested". She shooed them out of the infirmary, locking the doors on their way out. She went back to Severus' bed casting a spell on his back, instantly relieving him of pain.

"You can sleep here for tonight to make sure your back is fully rested". She left to go attend another injured student.

Severus laid back down on his bed. Immediately slapping his face with both hands, slowly dragging them down.

Lily, Luna, Lucius. You three better find that time turner or I'm going to kill you.

Lucius's pov

"This is pointless!", Lucius groaned. He was sitting on the dirt trying to find the time turner, along with Lily.

When they found the shoes there was no time turner, so now they were stuck with digging in the dirt trying to find it.

"Just keep looking blondie!". Lily shouted back at him. She had a irritated look on her face as she talked.

Her hair was stuck to her forehead with sweat and the tip of her nose was coated with it too. She knew that lucius was right, but she didn't want to stop until they found it.

Two feet walked towards both Lily and Lucius stopping in between them. Both looking up simultaneously, and seeing Luna with a giant bouquet of white lilies in her hands. And the time turner hanging from her neck along with her cork necklace.

"I found the time turner and a bouquet of flowers for professor snape!", luna said quite happily, and not a bead of sweat on her face or dirt on her hands.

Severus how does this girl do it?

"Where did you find it? And how did you find the time to get flowers?!", Lucius asked frantically. He put his hands on her shoulders and started to shake her fiercely.

He wasn't pleased with staying out in the hot sun ruining his hair. Especially missing time on hanging out with Tom and Narcissia.

"It was simple finding the time turner using accio, and I found the flowers near the forest. And the time turner was broken when I found it". Both Lily and Lucius stood there with their mouths agape as Luna pulled the trinket up to show them.

"ITS BROKEN!". They said together being daunted.

Both of them started to go mad over the time turner and not thinking straight. They started to talk nonsense about solutions they could take, soon both of them started yelling at each other, blaming each other for this mess.

"Couldn't we just use reparo to fix it?". Luna asked the two, but they didn't hear her. As if they were in their own little bubble as everyone else when Luna tried to talk to them.

Luna's pov

Luna walked away, not knowing where she was headed but knew she would find what she was looking for.

Walking through Hogwarts was a blond girl with a Ravenclaw uniform, and a bouquet of white lilies in her hands covering her face. The students who saw her weren't talking about the way she looked or how none of them recognized her. Instead, they gossiped about how she took the marauders head on. This made her public enemy number 1, but it also made her be admired by many.

But all the same she ignored their whispers. Not caring about what they thought as it didn't interest her.

I hope professor Snape likes the flowers.

Not being able to see where she was going, Luna bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sor-", the boy cut his apology short once he saw Luna.

Looking up, Luna saw that is was.............

Author's note
Hello everybody 👋! Sorry about the chapter being late, but I hope you liked it. But I can't tell you how many times I changed the image and the title ● u ●¡
Besides that I also wanted to know if there's anyone you want me to find fan art on? Also if you didn't know the cover art isn't mine. As always thank you for reading the chapter and I hope you have a wonderful day! :)

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