The Lilies pt 2

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This means normal talking or actions
This means thoughts or emphasis on words.

Also don't worry about the chapter being in the wrong place. I just separated it into 3 parts and I meant to do it this way.

Bellatrix's pov
"Thank you for the compliment but...
What a funny thing to call a daughter of one of the Sacred 28. Not a smart thing for someone like you to say. Isn't that what you said about my friend here?"

"Bloody hell did she just call her, her friend?"

"Is something wrong with Black's head?"

"They couldn't possibly be friends, right?"

The girl's eyes went wide and she gulped again, she frantically said. "Come on! Don't you know how to take a joke!? I was only joking "

"Mmm, of course, you were." Bellatrix gave a small giggle that sent shivers down everyone's spine, it told everyone that she knew she was superior to them, and that she was just about to give someone the worst day of their life.

"And I'm only joking when I say I saw you sneak into the boy's toilet and took photos," Skeeter's friends backed further away from her than they already had.

"Multiple times might I add!"

Boys nearby stumbled back out of shock and disgust. They covered their mouths with the back of their hands, enveloping themselves with their robes, all feeling nauseous and violated. They all looked at her with pure hatred.

Skeeter's looked at the people around, her thoughts were spiraling. Was this the end for her? No, she couldn't let this happen, not when she was so close.

Rita's eyes watered and her lip trembled. She brought her hands up to her eyes and started crying.

Oh Merlin's balls!

The rest of the Slytherin gang leaned against a nearby wall. All of them either glaring or rolling their eyes.

"How could you make up such terrible lies about me! I've never done such a thing to anyone in all my life!" Now everyone looked like they were going to kill Skeeter at that moment.

A Prefect nearby walked up to Luna, who was just standing nearby as well, watching the scene with her dreamy look. He quickly whispered something into her ear looking very polite. She gave him a big smile and nodded enthusiastically, handing him a Lily.

He walked with a long stride to Rita, almost looking impatient to be near her.
"Don't worry I believe you." He said to her, wiping away her tears. You could hear people in the back swearing at what they were hearing.

"Really?" Rita wiped at her nose and sniffled dramatically.

"Yes, that you're a minging pervert!"


The boy proceeded to smack Rita with the lily, hard. Everyone ooh'd and gasped, Lucius and Regulus looked at each other with their mouths hanging open. They covered their mouths when they gasped and in unison whispered, "damn!"

The only one enjoying themselves was Luna who looked at the scene with content and a satisfied smile.

"What do you think you're doing!? That Slytherin is lying and making up slander!" Rita yelled in her obnoxious voice.

"You can't possibly think I would believe that bloody lie! Thanks to her you won't get the chance to violate any boy ever again!" He shouted loud and clear.

Wait, did he just thank me? Perhaps, Reg was right, I am on crack!

Loads of students were cheering him on. Rita tried to stop him but he overpowered her and kept hitting her with the already broken flower. "De-ten-tion!" He hit her on every syllable of the word.

Bellatrix looked at Skeeter getting her ass handed to her, but it didn't give her the amusement she thought it would. Well it did, but it wasn't the only thing she was feeling.

Even though I don't know these people or care about them, it's really nice getting to be a part of this amazing chaos I've made. Well more like played a part in.

At that thought Bella smiled and walked over to Luna. Who was laughing so hard her face had turned red, she was practically crying.

"Sooo, I'm guessing he was asking you for a lily to hit Skeeter with?" Bella asked Luna once she calmed down enough from her high. Luna hummed in response.

"Why? You didn't have to do any of that, and besides, it was my fault for losing my temper."

"Because I know what it's like to have no one stand up for you. It hurts, even though you act like it doesn't. And I did it 'cause you're my friend!" The Ravenclaw reached for the black-haired girl's hand and held it.

"I'll be here for all of you." She swung their hands back and forth slightly.

Please Merlin.......

Author's note
Eat you starved children! Yes I live! I understand I've been away for a long time and I'm completely sorry for that. I'm sure we all get distracted with life and it keeps us up all the time, and school is going to start up again soon. I'm going to be a freshman :'). But to that I say if life turns its back on you, GRAB IT BY THE ASS!! (ง'̀-'́)ง REMEMBER THE WORLD IS YOURS DON'T LET ANYBODY TELL YOU WHAT YOU CAN DO. I'm seriously so fricken grateful to all of you who have supported the story even tho it hasn't updated in so long and for putting up with me. I love you all, I hope you have an amazing day or night, love yourselves you beautiful people. :)💛
Also please tell me ur thoughts on this chapter, I feel that I may have lost my touch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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