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Meredith was adorable. He was pretty sure that wasn't what most men would say about the woman were dating, that they were beginning to desperately want to sleep with, but most men weren't dating Meredith Grey. He was dating Meredith Grey and she was adorable. She was currently surrounded by puppies, trying to take a second to talk to and pet every single one of them.

Derek wasn't quite sure how he had been dragged into this. He had been sleeping next to her, holding her naked body close, and starting to wonder how the hell he was still holding off on sleeping with her. She was incredible, he still was getting turned on by the blow job on the ferry boat the afternoon before. But he had just been half asleep when she had jumped up and demanded him to get up. He hadn't bothered to tell her that he had been planning on having sex with her that morning. Because he had opened his eyes to hers directly above him, shinning with love and excitement and they hadn't been dating long enough for him to have any idea how to say no to that look. She hadn't even told him where they were going until they had arrived her since she had insisted on driving.

And now here they were. His girlfriend was laughing as puppies jumped all over her and she toppled backwards in the pen, the puppies realizing it was a prime opportunity to attack her. He just stared at her, stared at the laughter and the giggle as she called each of them by the names on the little collars they wore. The woman who had led them in was laughing too, and Derek realized sex was more or less forgotten about.

He couldn't believe how quickly he had grown accustomed to the idea of being in love with her. It hadn't even crossed his mind until Mark had forced it to and now he couldn't really believe there had been a time that he hadn't been in love with her. He was sure if someone asked when it had happened, he'd never be able to tell them. But she was his and she was completely adorable.

"Derek!" she gasped as two cocker spaniel puppies licked her cheeks. "Derek! Save me!"

"Oh I don't think you need saving," he laughed.

"I...Freckles, I get it! I get it!"

"You're cute," he grinned, shaking his head at her.

"I...I hate you!" she gasped, giggling as another puppy jumped on her stomach, causing her to lose her breath completely.

"Oh you're loving this so stop complaining," Derek smiled, feeling a little breathless at her giggles. "And you love me."

"I'll get you, Bella!" she yelled, sitting up and grabbing for a tiny little puppy, giving it little kisses all over its head. He shook his own head and leaned back against the wall, checking his watch. He didn't really want a puppy. He was a surgeon, a busy neurosurgeon and he wouldn't have time to train a puppy. He had been wanting a dog, a grown dog who would rest on his bed until he came home and then be ready to play. He wouldn't even be looking at the puppies if Meredith hadn't convinced him that it couldn't hurt to look. She had actually kind of begged and he had actually found himself agreeing against his own will. He definitely had to look into developing some kind of way that would actually make it possible to say no to her or the rest of his life was going to be a mess.

Once she got her mind on something, it had to happen. She didn't do well in "we'll sees" or "maybe" or any type of middle ground. Unless, of course, she was in the middle ground, then she was fine. But once she got it in her head to do or say something, she did it. Which was why he was currently watching his tiny girlfriend be attacked by almost every dog in the place.

"Mer, we should..." he started, stopping as he suddenly noticed that not every dog was attacking his girlfriend. There was one in the corner and the only direction it had moved since they had walked in was closer to the back corner. He was actually pretty sure that the tiny golden retriever was trembling slightly at the sudden presence of humans as it stared at the ground. He frowned slightly as he moved toward it, his heart nearly breaking when it fell onto its hind legs and then down to the floor completely, trying to bury its head under the blanket that sat on the ground. "Hey," he breathed, bending down to one knee, "hey, it's okay. It's okay. No one's going to hurt you." The tiny puppy trembled harder, whimpering ever so slightly as its paw moved over its eyes.

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