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it would be a complete and total lie if i said i didn't like her. her being kenzie. she was the only person i thought about, spent my free time with, spent my busy time with, and the only person who truly made me smile.

i would give it all to her.

i knew our friendship was fucked now. we hadn't talked in 3 days, she didn't text me goodnight or good morning, she ignored all my calls, and she hadn't come by the house.

i finally decided to visit her at work one day since i wasn't streaming and i missed my best friend. the girl who made me happiest. as for clay, we don't speak. when we stream together he just doesn't talk to me.

i finally got out of the shower and changed, brushed my teeth, and put my shoes on.

i was tired of being ignored. i knew it was a bad idea to have sex, but i just wanted to get back at clay and honestly, i wanted to experience that with her. i mean she was perfect.

i walked out of my room and passed george while walking down the stairs. great.

"where are you going?" george asked me

"to go talk to kenzie" i simply stated.

"you know dream like hates you right?" george asked and i nodded before going downstairs and into the garage.

i got in my car and started driving to the bakery that kenzie worked at. she was the store manager. good for her, right?

as i made my way towards the store i turned on the radio. i was tired of being ignored and neglected. i deserved better.

i sighed as i pulled into the parking lot of the small bakery. i turned off my car before getting out. i wasn't going to let this go unnoticed any longer.

as i walked in i saw her but her back was turned to me. she still spoke up.

"welcome in! i will be right with you" kenzie said making me smile and wait at the counter

she soon turned around and stopped when we made eye contact. she put on her best fake smile and walked over to stand in front of me.

"what are you doing here?" she whisper yelled at me

"well if you are going to ignore me then i will show up to your work so you can't"

"i can kick you out sap" she said angrily

"why are you so pissed at me?" i asked slightly taken back

"i'm mad at myself so i'm pushing you away" kenzie said almost embarrassed to being saying those words

"kenz why? i'm not going to leave or look at you differently because of this" i spoke feeling bad for her

"clay banned me from the house. he won't talk to me. he hates me sap" she said tearing up

"i'm so sorry. i don't even know what to say." i said genuinely not knowing what to say or do

"i mean you can come to my house, but you are always busy" she sighed looking down

"i can fit you into my schedule i guess" i joked making kenzie roll her eyes

"i will text you after work" she said and i nodded before backing up and walking towards the door.

before i walked out i looked at her but her back was already turned to me. i sighed and walked out and back to my car to start my journey home to yell at dream.

as soon as i got home i went up to dream's office and banged on the door.

"jeez! hold on guys" he said to whoever he was on call with. clay opened the door and was met with an angry face that belonged to me!

"what the hell in wrong with you?" i raised my voice

"what the fuck do you mean sapnap?" dream said annoyed

"you banned her from the house? to keep her away from me?" i asked

"yes that's exactly what i did" he smiled. man did i want to slap the shit out of him.

"dream i don't know if you are like stupid or something but i would never hurt kenzie. that's the last thing i want to do. but you seem to want to kill her and you are her brother. take that in and dwell on it" i said before walking into my room down the hall

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