Harry Potters new Girlfriend (pt. 2)

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You were sitting in your dorm with your head propped on your hand in your bathroom, listening to Pansy rambling to you about her feelings about some kid, you'd say his name but you weren't listening. You could barely hear her over the shower running anyways.

Pansy kept rambling on and on when all you could think about was Harry. Suddenly, you started listening again when you realized the water stopped. Pansy popped her head out from the curtain. "Could you go get that?" She says.

"Hm?, get what?" You reply, sitting up. "Uhh- the door? There was a knock."
"Oh." You say getting up and walking out of the room closing the bathroom door behind you. You sigh as you walk to the door.

As you twist the handle, you get kinda nervous. What if it's Harry? Harry coming to confess his feelings for you. You open the door.
What if Harry's coming to say he actually doesn't like yo-
Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted when the person at your door; who was not Harry, suddenly pushed passed you and walked right in.

You stand in shock for a second and turn around, shutting the door behind you. "Hello?" You say. "Hey. Pansy told me to come here so she can have more people to rant to." Draco says, laying down on your bed yawning. Draco put his hands behind his head as he got comfy. "Oh." "She's in the shower, or- she was. She's getting dressed." You say walking to sit next to him.

"She's taking forever though." You say as you sit down. "She's probably masturbating." He says, walking towards your bathroom.
"What-" "PANSY! QUIT FUCKING YOURSELF AND GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE" Draco yells, pounding on the bathroom door. "What!!" Pansy quickly opens it; Draco nearly punching her in the face.

You just sat there. Pansy pushed passed Draco, fully dressed and sat next to you, Draco just leaning against the door frame. "Y/n. What's on your mind?" He says, locking eyes with you.

"Oh- nothi-" "harry" Draco interrupts again, mimicking your voice. He pushed himself off of the frame and slowly walk towards you and Pansy.

"Your so sexy." Pansy says to Draco. "I know. I was also hoping you'd say that" Draco sits down in front of you both. Pansy shrugs.

"y/n... you know you can tell us that you dreamt about Harry every single night since that rumor- possible before too. You dream about him, and how he touches yo-"

"Shut up Draco." Pansy says. Your smile quickly turns into a frown.

"Sorry- sorry." He says, putting his hands up like he's just been caught stealing.
"She's clearly uncomfortable, she doesn't. Like. Harry." Pansy says, getting closer to Draco with each word.

Little did Pansy know.
She backs up from Draco's face, and then tells him that he has to leave.

Draco gets up, dusts himself off and leaves the room.

HARRY POTTER (one shots, headcannons, smuts, fluffs, imagines, and etc)Where stories live. Discover now