1 - detention

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You were sitting in the hufflepuff common room, talking to you're best friend - Cedric Diggory. When all the sudden,

"Dont you have detention with professor snape at the moment?" He asks, looking at the nearest clock. Your eyes widened, you had gotten lost in the moment while talking to Cedric, you forgot all about detention!

"Oh shoot! I forgot!" You say, jumping up from your seat as Cedric looks back at you, you were so focused on getting to detention on time. But when you didn't, you didn't really have to rush all that much. But you did, causing you to leave your robe behind with Cedric.

"Bye! See you later?" You say, walking out the room and poking you head back in towards Cedric . He nods, smiling faintly.

You rush past a few students in the halls, when you finally get to snapes office. You open the door rather aggressively, to the point where you almost fall over when it opens. You had gotten detention because of a white- blondish haired  boy from your class. Draco Malfoy. You two had been arguing, which caught snapes attention and he ended up giving you detention.

"Hey sorry I'm-" you stop, your smile fading. "What is HE doing here?" You ask, shutting the door slowly and pointing to Draco Malfoy.
He turns back at you, as if surprised you were there. He smirked at you, that stupid smirk, you just wanted to get rid of it- possibly by bitch slapping him.

"I do not tolerate any sort of Violent , Conflicting behavior in my classroom." Snape starts, sighing. Draco returning his attention back to him.

"So you will sit here, with him, and learn how to appreciate each-other, each other's company, and what you both have to offer. Now sit." Snape waves his hands around towards a stool planted right next to Draco.

You heard a soft chuckle from Draco. As you sat down, Snape had stood up. Snape was on his way to the door as Draco said, " Woah? Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving to handle business you have every problem knowing." He says, locking the door I from the inside and leaving.

You sighed as Snape had left the room.

A few minutes pass, and you decided to get up and try to leave. It was too awkward, only thing you two did was peek a few glances at each other every now and then. You got up, dusted off you're skirt and headed to the door, grabbing your wand.

"Alohamora" you whisper, sparks flying everywhere.

"Hm." Draco spins to look at you.
"So, you'd rather- attempt to leave detention knowing that you'd get at least 8 more as a consequence, than sit in a room with me for like-" he pauses, to look at the clock, giving you time to turn to face him.

"30 more minutes." He continues.

"Yep." You say leaning against the door frame.
"Your the only reason I'm here. If you hadn't been messing with me then-"
"You shouldn't have been so bratty" Draco interrupts, yawning.

You scoff in annoyance, turning around to open the door which you though was unlocked, taking a step forward.

Just to bonk your head on the door- which was still locked- and toppling backwards.

HARRY POTTER (one shots, headcannons, smuts, fluffs, imagines, and etc)Where stories live. Discover now