Im sorry. (Ron weasley oneshot)

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Your best friend, Ron Weasley, was angry at you because you have a crush on his brother, Fred.

He had been ignoring you the whole day, and Fred told you it's because Ron had a crush on you! But- keyword, "Had."
You were walking around the castle, trying to find him.

You turn the corner and make direct eye contact with him. When he sees you he quickly turns around and walks the other direction.

"Ron! Wait!" You yell, starting to speed walk.
"Ronald!" You yell one last time, stopping and standing still.

"For Pete's sake y/n what?!?" He says, turning quickly to look at you.

"I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry Ron..." you say, taking small steps forward.

"I didn't know it would hurt you that much. I'm sorry."

"Are you sure?" He asks, stepping towards you.
"Yes, ron." He smiles slightly.

"But.. why my brother?"  He asks you, grabbing one of your hands lightly.
"I don't know I'm sorry."

Harry emerges from the darkness behind you. "Guys.." he says, making you turn around quickly, and letting go of Ron's cold, veiny hands.

"Oh? I didn't mean to interrupt but uhm. we kind of have a problem??" Harry says, tilting his head. You turn to look at Ron confused, he just shrugged.

"What?" "What is it?" You both say.

"Hermoines gone totally mad!!" Harry says, putting his hands on each side of his head, and waving them at you.
"HARRY!!! SHUT UP!" Hermoine screams.

"Ooh gosh." Ron says, totally just leaving you.
"Hermoine what happened?" You ask when hermoine turns the corner.

"Harry won't stop being such... a NIMBO!" She says, emphasizing the 'such'.

"What?" Harry questions looking at her.

HARRY POTTER (one shots, headcannons, smuts, fluffs, imagines, and etc)Where stories live. Discover now