Short Bonus Drabble

597 42 13

(Set sometime before the explosion took place back Underground)

The smell of pancakes wafted up into the air, falling back into the pan with a soft plop. You hummed along to a song that'd been stuck in your head for a few weeks, a jingle that played at an old grocery store you used to go to. It annoyed you to no end but hell if it wasn't catchy.

You felt that today was going to be special, but for the life of you, you couldn't place the reason why. You shrugged it off and continued flipping pancakes, seeing no reason to worry too much about it. You'd gotten up earlier than the rest of the household and decided to make breakfast today; Pancakes and Bacon. You had been surprised to see that they even had honest-to-goodness bacon in the underground, but saw later on that the woods were actually the home of some animals from the surface. It made sense, considering there were many carnivorous Monsters.

On that thought, you finished the song with a final hum and placed the last pancake on the towering stack of fluffy golden disks. You hoped it would be enough for Gaster and Sans. They revealed to have quite the large appetite, but it bothered you none. As long as they enjoyed your food, you were happy. You turned to wash the bowl of remaining pancake batter before pausing and sniffing the air. With a gasp you snapped your head to the stove, realizing you had forgotten about the slices of bacon cooking on a separate pan.

Scrabbling over to the stove, you shut off the magical fire and picked up the pan from the handle. Smoke wafted up from the poor, blackened beyond recognition pieces of bacon. They were completely unsalvageable.



Jolting on your feet, you whipped your head around to the new voice, and with horror, made eye contact with Papyrus. You didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or both.


He exclaimed again, his eyes sparkling and unknowing. Your heart sank. You gulped and pushed the ruined pan into the sink, choosing to worry about that later. You now had more pressing matters.

"No no no-! We don't say that word, Paps." You took soft steps and picked him up from the ground, holding him tight so he wouldn't fall.

"How did you even get out of your room, little treble maker?"


You groaned, hoping to whatever God out there that Gaster and Sans were still asleep and stayed that way. You chuckled nervously.

"Please don't say that?" You tried bargaining.


"Um, can you say Daddy instead? D-A-D-D-Y ?"


"Oh god. Please stop."


"Papyrus-! Ohhhh goddd Gaster whatever you do, please do not wake up right now-" You were cut off.

"And why is that?"

You jumped, and slowly turned your head to the monster you were just wishing would, in fact, not show up at this particular moment. He stood a bit away from you and Papyrus, quirking an eyebrow at you.

You both stared at each other in tense silence.


Gaster's eye lights shrunk and stared at Papyrus, his jaw dropping slightly. You winced.

"E-excuse me?" He glanced back to you, as if he was hoping that he had heard wrong. Heat creeped up your neck uncomfortably.

"Oh geez, I am so sorry Gaster- I swear I didn't mean to teach him that! I thought I was alone and I said it and he just happened to be there somehow behind me and-"


"-And now he won't stop saying it!"

You spoke quickly, nerves fraying out and you could feel sweat dripping down your neck. Gaster stood frozen still, not doing any good for your building anxiety. You were so fucking dead, weren't you? ..Too soon for jokes.


"Pff-" Gaster barely caught himself, but then Papyrus said it again with force. He busted out laughing, loud and deep. You stood frozen, looking at him as if he had grown another head. ... What was happening right now?

"You- you taught my one year old son how to say fuck-?! PFFHAHAHA-" Not being able to contain himself, he bent over holding his metaphorical stomach, trying to calm himself. Out of all of the reactions he could have given you, this wasn't what you had expected. Embarrassment crawled up your cheeks.

"It's not funny!"

"I-I'm sorry I can't help it-! Oh, Asgore, I haven't laughed this much in years."

"I am just so very happy that you find this hilarious, Gaster."

"I'm sure he'll grow out of it, dear, no need to-"


"Pff, ah, need to fret over it. It'll be gone before you know it."

"Well.. if you say so. Also, the bacon's burned."



He lost it.


Happy national "Let Papyrus say Fuck day" everyone! Hope it was fun to read!

The Faults in Our Souls ~ Gaster x Reader (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now