Chapter 15

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Scrabble and Waffles


Gaster's PoV:

Oh, blast it all.

Snow fell from the caverns above us in a fast fashion, and seems to have blocked me from going out of the door.

I'll have to call that I've been snowed in. Of all days for this town to live up to its name..

I had hoped to leave before Y/n tried to make me stay and rest again. I've tried to tell her that I'm fine, but she seems very determined to make me stay.

I wouldn't be surprised if she changed the weather for this as well.

I sighed and flopped onto the couch, sulking in my inability to work.

If only I could teleport without getting so damn tired.. Tiredness. That's mostly what I felt before Y/n had come along, like an angel from above. I never had to have a moment's worry about the boys ever since her ankle got better.

I should really think about thanking her properly. Perhaps a gift would suffice..


I guided my eyes to the source of the sound and found Sans standing at the edge of the couch.

"Well, good morning to you as well. What are you doing up so early?"

"I was thirsty.."

"Would you like me to get you a glass of water?"

"Yes please!"

"Quiet- You'll wake up Y/n and Papyrus."

"Oops- sorry Dad..."

I chuckled and got up with a grunt. My steps were the only sound besides from the howling winds that conquered the world outside. Picking up one of the clear glasses, I filled it halfway with water and handed it to Sans.

"Here you go. Don't drink it too fast and choke, now."

"Okay, thanks!"

Despite my warning, he chugged it down and coughed while setting the cup down onto the tall counters.

"This is what happens when you don't listen, Sans."


"It's alright. Why don't you go back upstairs to bed?"

"Can I stay with you? I'm not really tired anymore."

"I don't see why not. I'll turn on the T.V."


I watched the ball of sunshine hop onto the green couch with remote in hand. Turning on the T.V., he promptly switched it to the Science channel. He seems to have gotten my interest in the field, along with my excellent humor. Others may not agree, but I have a PhD in Biochemistry so therefore they are wrong.

"What are they talking about today?"

"The anatomy of armless monsters."

"This should be interesting, our neighbors are armless."

Simply nodding in response, he continued to watch my scientists on the screen point to a diagram. I gave a small smile and put an arm across the top of the couch.

Despite saying he wasn't tired, Sans fell onto my lap halfway through the program. I sighed and turned off the T.V, picking up the small boy in my arms. I carried him to his room and set him on his bed, covering him with his wrinkled blanket. I kissed his forehead and tiptoed out of the room, hoping I do not wake him up again. Shutting the door, I make my way down the hall and pause in front of Y/n's room.

The Faults in Our Souls ~ Gaster x Reader (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now