Chapter 1

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Meeting the Goat Family



For the first time in a long time, I did not dream when I slept. The darkness invaded my vision for what seemed like hours, before jolting awake with my heart beating fast. I gasped for air, trying to take in as much oxygen as possible, before noticing that I was on solid ground, and my vision hazy. Sitting up slowly, I used my arms for support and sat up where I had landed. After sitting up, I inspected my body for injuries. I rolled my joints around, hearing little pops here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary. I try to stand up, only to hiss in pain when attempting to move my foot.

Great. I'm stuck in a hole with an injured foot. Ain't that a fantastic way to die.

I flop back down with an oof, taking a look around in the cavern I had fell down. I see that I was surrounded by little golden flowers, looking as if they had just bloomed that morning. Touching one of the flowers petals, I felt the soft, yet strangely warm aura. I look up and see the opening where I had fallen in, suddenly thankful that I came out of that with only an injured ankle. Other than those two things, there wasn't much to see in the cave. Sighing, I try to think of a plan to try and start moving forward.

Well, I could try to fight through the pain to look around and see if there's a way out, but that might be a bad thing to do considering I don't even know what happened to my foot. There's nothing around me to make a crutch with, however.. Damn it. Why do these things ALWAYS happen to M-

My thoughts were cut short by soft padding of feet. My head shot up and stare towards the source, only to gawk at what I found. ....Goats. At least, that's what I think they are? They come closer to me, making my body automatically freeze up, seeming to make them stop in their tracks with surprise. Guess they hadn't noticed me until I moved.

Good job Y/n, real stealthy aren't cha.

One of the goat... creatures... stepped closer, albeit slowly, as if it was trying not to scare me. I stayed still, accepting the fact that I couldn't move anyways. When it was close enough to almost touch me, it stopped. I glanced downwards, and locked sight on purple.

Wait. Purple? On a goat? I start guiding my eyes up before meeting kind, magenta ones. My eyes widen, as I did not find what I had previously expected. Not slits or ovals, but rather an almost enchanting sparkle as they bore into your soul.

"I- uh- Wh- huh??" I choked out. The person(?) smiled, and leaned down a slightly so as I didn't have to crane my neck to look at them. They responded in a motherly tone, and I could feel my muscles becoming less tense because of it.

"Hello, child. I am Toriel, caretaker of these ruins. That behind me is my husband, Asgore."

I glanced behind Toriel to see a golden beard, and see there's in fact another goat-like face attached to it. The man had gentle amber eyes, almost the color of the golden flowers around me. He was holding something, but it was too dark to see from where I sat. I took notice that neither of the pair wore shoes, probably with no need to, and too big of paw-feet to even fit in any.

"What is your name?" Toriel asked. I look back up to see those kind eyes again, awaiting for my answer.

"It's Y/n. Y/n L/n." Toriel smiles at this and holds out a paw to me.

"Well Y/n, it's quite nice to meet you! If you'd like, you can come with us to our home to regain your energy." I stare at her paw in hesitance, looking at the goat man, Asgore, in the background, and then back with a small smile on my face. Taking her hand, she pulls me up gently with a strength I didn't expect. I make sure not to step with my bad leg, Toriel immediately noticing.

The Faults in Our Souls ~ Gaster x Reader (Under editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ