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The Only Solution

Edit: So I did the math and added up all the words in this story, and turns out it's longer than the first Harry Potter book. I wrote a UNDERTALE FANFIC LONGER THAN HARRY POTTER AND THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE.



-10 Years Later-

It's been around 10 years since Gaster came back, and 10 years since you both became a couple. When you both had arrived back home to Snowdin and told everyone the news, no one was surprised. I mean, really? You both had been dancing around each other for months, so safe to say they had been expecting it to happen sooner or later.

After 2 months passed, monsters began to remember Gaster out of the blue. Perhaps it was because he was finally out of the void, or maybe because of your understanding soul that now resided in him. No one really knows, but when Asgore and Toriel found out he was still alive and well, they held a party for his return. He had apologized to them for not treating them as friends for so long, but they simply brushed it off and forgave him. During said party, you learned that Undyne and Alphys were not just good friends, after finding them drunkenly making out in a corner.

Sans got a job at MTT's, surprisingly enough. He became a bone-ified comedian, you and Gaster being the first ones to be there for his opening show. Papyrus joined Undyne in the Police department, helping monsters out when they were in need. Gaster, on the other hand, found himself in one of the largest scientific companies in Ebott City. They mainly focused on Soul studies, and soon enough he was one of the leading scientists of the study. His extraordinary understanding of Souls helped humans in finding cures for many illnesses, cancers, etc.. It took him 5 years to finally be accepted, but it was all worth it in the long run.

You? Well, you stayed right where you were in the Librarby. After being there for so long, you were practically the second owner of the shop. You slept more often, due to only having half a Soul, but it wasn't anything that would affect your daily life. Gaster visited you during the day when he had the chance, teleporting back and forth between the buildings to check in on you. He preferred it over texting or calling on the phone, and honestly, so did you.

Today marked your 8th Anniversary. Oh, did I forget to mention that you got married? Though no one said anything about it, you included, everyone could tell that you were getting older. What could be done, though? Humans lived up to 100, and that's if they're lucky. Monsters lived 3-5 times that. Gaster thought about it constantly, and you had accepted it as a fact, that you would inevitably pass long before your love did. After all, not everyone could have their happy ending.

At least, that's what you had thought.


Warm sun rays spilled from behind the dark curtains of your shared bedroom, waking you gently. Blinking groggily, you turned to the clock that was up upon the bedside table.

8:05 a.m.

Groaning, you stayed still for a few more moments before slowly sitting up and stretching out your arms. Glancing over the other side of the bed, it stood empty and unoccupied. Humming lowly, you came out from beneath the blankets and slipped on a pair of white slippers. Shuffling over to the Master bathroom, you took care in fixing yourself up, knocking some of the sleep out of your system with steaming hot water.

Shutting the door behind you, you made your way into the kitchen. The scent of coffee and pancakes invaded your senses, making you take a deep breath in. In front of the stove flipping said pancakes was Gaster, seeming to not notice your presence as you stepped over the threshold. Smiling softly, you quietly padded over to the tall monster and slipped your arms around his waist, leaning into him as you breathed in the familiar smell of pine and magic. Glancing down, he smiled and placed a bony hand on one of yours, rubbing his thumb against your knuckles.

The Faults in Our Souls ~ Gaster x Reader (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now