Chapter 22

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Despite the uneasiness that settled into your chest, you placed both feet inside of the room. The door slammed shut behind you as soon as you were out of the way, startling you as you were sure that you hadn't touched it.

Guess I'm not coming out until I've finished what I came to do.

Leaving your only exit behind, you walk onwards. The floor was colored grey, though you couldn't quite tell what it was made of. Maybe solidified void? Who knows. You didn't dare to try and touch the 'walls', reminding you too much of what you floated in for so long before you fell again. Coming to the end of the hall, a small room came into view. Nothing seemed different, and no greyed out monsters as Frisk had described were in the room as well. It was just... Empty. And scaringly so.

Your hope shriveled, but you continued on. Looking through every nook and cranny of the room, or what you really could look through seeing as there was absolutely nothing in the small space. And, once again, you found... nothing.

I don't understand- If this wasn't here until I showed up in the timeline, then why isn't there anything here? Why did the door shut behind me if there wasn't anything to find? Just what does this world want from me?!

Angry tears welled up into your eyes and you sunk down onto the floor, hitting it in frustration, as to bully the void into giving what you want. You sat in the room for who knows how long, not wanting to move. Every passing moment, you felt even worse and worse, your thoughts enveloping your head. Feeling the fabric of the jacket tied to your waist, you sighed.

"...No matter how frustrated I am, I promised him I'd come back. Always."

Standing up, you walked to the middle of the room for a last look over. Nothing had changed, and you furrowed your brows. Letting your hands hang by your sides, you walked slower than usual back to the door. Not taking long despite your slow steps, you raised your hand and placed it on the knob of the door. You turned around one last time, as a last attempt to search.

What you saw made your heart jump in fear.

You hadn't expected to actually see anything different, but you had been proved wrong. In the middle of the room where you had once stood, a murky, dark glob was placed. You watched as the goop on the figure cascaded downwards, but never pooling on the ground. Your hand fell from the door and you swallowed down saliva in your now dry throat.

They didn't even make a sound. Have they always been there? ...Watching me?

You walked back to the room, relieved that the figure was actually there, and not just a figment of your imagination. Walking closer to them, you soon realized that they looked oddly.. Familiar. You couldn't quite put your finger on what seemed familiar about them, but your Soul remembers. It wanted to leap out to them, to help them remember you too. But, you kept calm despite these feelings.

The figure seemed to be turned around, seeing as there was no face whatsoever. Or, maybe they simply did not have one. You wouldn't know. Swallowing again, you called out in a small voice.


The monster, you assumed, jumped at the sudden sound, goop rising up like in a comic when the character gets scared. They gasped and turned around, and you were met with two black eye sockets. Eye sockets that you knew too well, ones that you have been wishing to see for months. The very same whos owner had unknowingly stolen your heart so long ago.

The Faults in Our Souls ~ Gaster x Reader (Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now