the bar (P. 'M' . M)

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(part 2 to the volleyball imagine!)


"Go get your lover boy!" Ice yelled to me.

"You're such an ass, get out of here," I told him with a smile. Iceman smirked and then drove away. With a sigh I turned on my heel and opened the door to the bar. There was a good amount of people in there, it wasn't too empty.

I walked over to the bar itself and saw Maverick sitting down at the end. A beer sat i front of him but be didn't touch it. Instead, he sat fiddling with his hands and looking down. He must have been in a deep thought because be always di that when thinking hard about something.

I sighed and made my way over to him. I sat down at the seat next to him but he didn't look. "I'll have a water please," I said. I didn't feel like drinking tonight.

"Y/n is that you?" I heard Maverick say with a small chuckle.

"The one and only. How'd you know," I asked.

"Well one because I told you to meet me here but thats obvious, and second you're the only person I know who asks for a water at a bar." He tells me with a smile. I laugh softly and he props his head on his hand, looking at me.

"So uh, whats up? Why'd you tell me to come here?" I questioned as I was handed my water.

He took a sip of his beer and sighed. "I wanted to tell you something," he says. I feel myself start to get my hopes up. Does he like me like I like him? Or does he like Charlie? A million thoughts run through my head at this point. But one thought will be there forever. Does he feel the same?

"Is there something going on between you and Iceman?" he asks.

"No, there never has. Never will," I tell him. He nods and takes another sip of his drink.

"Is there something going on between you and Charlie?" I ask.

"Are you serious? Charlie?" He says. Ok, good for me, I think. "I have someone else in mind," he adds. Oh. "Why?"

"No reason, just curious." Fuck. He likes another girl.

"Are you sure?" he asks looking in my eyes.

"Y-yeah, why else would I care?" I lie.

"Oh, well thats it really, I guess I'll get going," he says quietly. Was he upset? He got up from his seat, leaving a few dollars on the counter before going towards the front door. I didn't even realize it was raining pretty bad out.

I sighed, I couldn't let him leave like that. I left money on the counter and followed him outside where I saw him walking ahead. "Maverick!" I called.

"What do you want?" He said turning around. He was upset.

"What the fuck is your problem today?" I ask as I start to get upset.

"Nothing! Just leave me alone!" he insisted.

"Maverick I know when you're upset, something's bothering you! Tell me! Please Mav! I'm right here, tell me," I plead.

He sighs and shakes his head. "Just go home
Y/n," he tells me. I frown softly as the rain pours down both ours faces. He steps closer and looks down at me. "Just go, please, before I say something I regret," he says quietly.

My lips part slightly. "What? Say it! You seriously think I care at this point? We're both mad you might as well say it," I tell him.

"Y/n please, just go home," he says again shaking his head.

"Tell me Maverick!" I say.

"I cant!"

"Why not?"

"Because It'll mess everything up!"

"Mess up what?" I ask.

"You know what? Fuck this, I'm so fucking done," He says making me shake my head. Maverick sighs and push's his wet hair back. "You-You like Iceman, don't you?" he asks again making me scoff.

"Mav I've already told you I don't," I say in a softer tone.

Maverick gets closer to me, his eyes shining under the street lamp, rain pouring down our faces. "Then choose me," he says quietly.

"What?" I ask.

"Choose me, Y/n." he says again.


"Fuck I'm trying to say I'm in love with you!" he exclaims putting his hand on my cheeks with a small smile. I stood there shocked which caused Maverick to let go of me and sigh. "I knew this
would happen," he says disappointed. "Just forget what I said, okay? I-I'll see you tomorrow," he then says starting to walk away.

"Maverick," I say grabbing his shoulder and turning him around al he was facing me again. He looked into my eye passionately and I pulled him in a for a kiss. I melted into the kiss and he put his hands on my waist. It felt almost perfect, the kiss. In the rain, and I was with the one person I loved most. He kissed me harder as the rain poured down on us. "I'm in love with you too," I say as I pull apart from him, resting my head on his head.

"I've always loved you Y/n. Ever since the day I laid my eyes on you," he told me before kissing me again. "So you choose me?" he asked again with a small smile.

"I'd always choose you,"

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