Chapter 53: The Present

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"It's our last session together Miss Adebayo, how does that make you feel?"

"Like I should have done this a long long time ago. Like i should have straightened out my life a long time ago" Tomike smiled.

"Well it's good to see you radiating like this, it suits you" Dr Angela smiled back.

"Truth be told Doc I'm radiating for another reason" Tomike chuckled.

"And what reason could that be?"

"I'll be meeting Dr Veracruz again"

"Really? That's nice. A second date could be an indicator that this could work out"

"Well let's not get ahead of ourselves Doctor, I'm not so sure. But he's a really nice guy and I'm excited, that's all"

"If you say so Tomike. Anything else you'd like to talk to me about?"

"Thank you"

"For doing my job? You don't have to" Dr Angela smiled warmly.

"Yes I do. Thank you for not just being a shrink, but a wise friend"

"Well thank God Tomike, thank God"

They both smiled.

"Are we done?"

"If that's all you want to say to me today, yes we are done"

Tomike stood up to leave.

"Can I give you a hug Doc?"

"Sure, why not?"

Tomike walked towards her and embraced her softly.

"You're really an angel Doc, I'll miss you" she let go of her. "I owe you lunch one of these days, so we can sit down and do some catching up"

"You're sure you're not just trying to get a free session out of me?"

They both laughed.

"But why would I do that?" Tomike responded with a smile.

"Well then, I'll be expecting your call... One of these days"

"Good bye Doc"

"Bye Tomike"


Two chapters in one day because God is good! 😂
And no, not the last chapter.

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