Chapter 15: The Past

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Tomike came back from Iya Bose's place that afternoon with so much joy. She couldn't contain her happiness. Mummy Kennedy had followed her home to inform her stepfather she'd be moving out of his house, and to official thank him for 'taking care' of Tomike for all the time she was with him.

It was hard for Tomike to read her stepfather's facial expression while mummy Kennedy spoke. He seemed pleased with it but at the same time angered by it. It was hard to tell which one he was exactly.

His reply was "There is no problem. Afterall they are her mother's family,  I can't stop them from taking their child. But this Iya Bose would have come so I can see her for myself. It's alright sha. When will you be coming for her?"

"Tommorow" mummy Kennedy responded.

"So soon?"

"Yes, they want her with them as soon as possible"

Once again, there was that unreadable expression on his face.

"Ok. It's alright."

Mummy Kennedy left afterwards.

Tomike began gathering her things. She took all of her mother's belongings and put it in a nylon bag. Her mother's photos, letters her dad had written her mother, her mother's favorite buba that she managed to hold on to after her step father had sold her mother's other clothes, and some other things of value to her.

She took the money she had saved, not sure she'd have need for it, and hid it inbetween her clothes. She only picked out the nice dresses she had. She'd leave the rest behind as they had sorrow and grief written all over them. She hummed as she put her things together in a ballon like tote bag.

Tomike was so engrossed in her parking she didn't realize her stepfather had walked in.

"So you are happy ehn, that you are leaving this house"

Tomike was a little shaken by the sudden sound of his voice.

"See how you are joyfully packing your things. Person way go see you now go think say na devil people house you wan commot"

So he knows his origin is the pit of hell, Tomike thought to herself as she looked at him.

"You go miss me?" He had a disgusting smile on his face as he drew closer to her. Tomike slowly stepped back.

"Abi you no go miss me? Talk true, I know say you go miss me. You know say I be your one and only sugar daddy" he winked and it sent shivers down Tomike's spine. He was still walking towards her, slowly unbuckling his belt.

He reached out for her neck, but Tomike hit it off.

"So you don grow wings now abi?" He slapped her.

She'd usually let him do his thing and not argue or fight with him, it was less painful. But she was not going to let him this time.

Not today, I won't let him have his way today.

"I will scream, I'll shout" Tomike shot at him.

"So watin go come happen? Grace no dey house, na only me and you dey house. Who you wan call, the neighbors? They no help you since na now they wan help you? Better just keep quiet make I do sharp sharp commot. You know as we dey do am."

Tomike was now crying. In a way he was right and it hurt her. Grace knew what her despicable husband did to her, yet she did nothing about it. She had called her ashawo severely, saying she seduced men and wanted to steal her husband from her. What person, what woman in her right mind, would see a man like her stepfather violate a fourteen year old and turn to the girl to blame her for it? Tomike had lost hope in the world.

As for the neighbors, she didn't know if they really didn't know what was happening or they just pretended not to know. After her mother's death, they had distanced themselves.

But today was not the day he would have his way, knowing she was one foot out of his house gave her strength, so she'd fight.

He took her by the neck and tried to push her to the bed, but she stood right back up. She attempted running past him to get to the door, but he held her by the waist and pinned her down. She used her nails, scratching his face with all her strength. He held her hands down while sitting on her and then she screamed. He immediately let go of one of her hands and pressed her mouth shut. She resumed scratching him with her free hand. But he was too strong. Somehow he managed to hold down her mouth as well as her two hands.

"No worry, I go do am sharp sharp" his laughter pierced her soul. She was unable to do anything. He had his way, and she felt helpless.

He stood up. "Na because I know say you go miss me I wan give you parting gift." He laughed again.

As he turned around to leave, Tomike picked up a dirty frying pan by the bed. Grace probably forgot it in the bedroom after using it to eat. With all the strength she could muster, she hit his head. He staggered and turned around. Before he could make any move towards her, she hit him again and his lanky body hit the ground.

She couldn't tell if he was dead, but she hoped so. There was blood and she hoped even if he wasn't dead, she had done some major damage.

"The first was for my mother. And the second is for me." She said as she looked down at him. She hit him again on his back. "And this is for being a bloody bastard!"

She gathered up her stuff and left the house. That was the last she saw of it, or anything in it.


Tomike headed straight to a call center and called Mummy Kennedy. When she got through to her, she told her she had left the house due to a minor argument between herself and her step father. She assured her all was well and there was no need to talk to him. Hopefully he's dead.

They agreed to meet at a bus stop close to the house, and mummy Kennedy picked her up with a taxi.

Dusk had come and the golden yellow sun burned it's way down the horizon. As the car sped it's way out of Surulere, Tomike felt relief. No more would she feel the despair and fear she felt some minutes ago. No more! And that was the day she said her finally goodbye to all her troubles.

Or was it?


Kind of a long chapter, I couldn't have had it any other way though. It's also quite sad isn't it?
I hope to hear from you in the comments. Don't forget to vote.
Xoxo 💕💕

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