Chapter 46: The Present

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Tomike and Annalise rushed into the hospital and were immediately directed to the emergency room.

Just then, Tomike caught a glimpse of Dayo being rolled out of the room on a stretcher. He was unconscious, and had a bandage wrapped around his head and knee.

"Dayo! Dayo!" She screamed as she ran across the hall to get to him, Annalise followed. Right when she was about to get to him, he was gone. They had taken him through another door. A white lady in scrubs who Tomike assumed to be a nurse approached her.

"Are you Miss Adebayo? The boy's mother?"

"Yes, I'm the one. Please what's wrong with my boy?" Tomike was crying non-stop.

"Ma'am please relax. Let's go to the reception and have a talk"

"Where did they take him to? Can't I see him?"

"Ma'am please just relax and come with me"

"Come on Tomi, let's just go with her, I'm sure Dayo is okay" Annalise now led Tomike by her hand and they all headed to the reception and sat.

"Your son reportedly ran a red light and was hit by a car" Tomike and Annalise gasped. The nurse continued.

"The lady who hit your son is at the station for some questioning, thankfully she called 911 immediately and your son was brought here in time"

"Okay, okay so how is he now? Is he stable? Why can't I see him?" Tomike was trembling.

"Well your son sustained many injuries. He had a couple of fractures, one particularly on his right knee but it'll be fine. He also had a head injury that is rather serious"

"Oh no, oh God! Is he going to die?" Tomike felt herself leaving her body as the tension increased.

"No ma'am. We are doing all we can for him. He has a swelling in his brain that we are trying very hard to reduce. He needs to go into surgery and your consent is needed urgently. The doctors are doing their absolute best right now to stabilize him, I assure you. Your son is young and very strong, he can make it. You just have to be strong for him, and be patient. Can you follow me please?"

Tomike followed her, barely reading through the consent form, she signed.

"Well get him into surgery now. I'll be sure to get back to you with any new developments"

Tomike was too dazed to respond to the lady as she left. "Thank you" Annalise told the woman.

Tomike was trembling, her mind had already traveled far, so far it imagined how Dayo's burial would look like. Everyone would blame her, they'd point fingers at her and call her names. Bose would rain curses on her. Iya Bose would turn several times in her grave until she couldn't take it anymore. Then she would stand up and haunt Tomike. She'd see Dayo in her dreams every night, asking her why she was so cruel. Then finally she saw herself standing at the edge of the grand canyon in Arizona, ready to jump off. Just then she realised Annalise had been speaking to her all the while.

"Tomi? Did you hear me? I said it'll all be fine okay? Dayo would be just fine"

Tomike abruptly stood up, suprising Annalise.

"No, this is not right. I want to see my son, I want to know he is okay. I have to see him before he is operated on. Don't let him enter that OR! I want to see my son!" She started towards the emergency hall.

Annalise and a nurse who was at the reception were shocked.

"Tomi, please calm down, please. Dayo will be fine. Just relax okay?"

"You don't understand Annalise. Anytime I walk into a hospital because of a loved one they end up dead, dead Annalise! I don't want my boy to die Annalise, my Dayo can't die, not him too" she turned towards the nurse and started again. "Get me my son!"

"Tomike!" Annalise shouted. A strange timing, but she actually pronounced Tomike's name right. "What do you think you are doing? Making a scene here won't make things better okay? Relax Tomi. Please, for Dayo, don't lose your mind. Please" Annalise was also crying at this point.

Tomike weakened and her limbs failed. She fell to the ground helplessly. Annalise helped her up to a chair close by. She kept her in her arms as she cried and cried and wouldn't stop crying. Annalise cried with her.

As she sat there mourning her son's condition, Tomike saw all the times she waisted time hating her son when she could have been loving him. She knew now without a doubt that if Dayo died, she'd die with him.
Because he was her life.

I hope Dayo makes it, don't you?
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