Chapter 36: The Present

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"Then why did you tell me about what happened to you if you didn't want help?"

"Because you are my friend Todd and I trust you. But her? I don't think so" Tomike was preparing dinner, while Todd shadowed her as she moved around the small kitchen.

"She's a professional Tomi, and she deals with cases concerning sexual abuse. She knows what she's doing, if you'll only let her help you Tomike"

"Why does everyone keep saying that, gosh! See Todd can we not talk about it please. You promised if I didn't like it I didn't have to continue"

"No Tomi, I won't stop talking about it. This is affecting you way too much"

"How? If I hadn't told you would you have known I was a survivor of sexual abuse?"

"No, because you are a strong woman. But I bet Dayo could guess. I'll be very honest with you Tomi, you are not exactly the ideal mother"

"That, I know. But no one is anyway"

"That's not what I mean. How do I say this? Tomike you're a bad mom"

"Excuse you?"

"You need a therapist to help you be a better mom. You are a superb programmer, an awesome friend. But being Dayo's mom, you suck"

Tomike let out an angry chuckle.

"Wow, just wow"

"I'm your friend and I'll only be hurting you if I don't tell you the truth"

"Well even with those truthful words of yours you hurt me Todd."

Todd walked closer to her, placed his hands on her shoulder, and looked her in the eye.

"Please keep seeing Angela, for me, for Dayo. Please"

Tomike felt weak, like Todd had cornered her. How could she possibly say no.

"Alright. I don't want to suck as a mom all my life afterall"

"Thanks partner" he winked.

He hugged her, and they stayed that way for a while until Dayo busted into the living room. They immediately seperated from each other. Dayo coughed.

"Hey you're back. How was school today?" Todd beamed. He walked towards him and lightly smacked his head. Todd was always ecstatic to see Dayo. It made Tomike really feel like she had issues for not getting along with her son.

How come everyone gets along with him so well apart from me.

Even Annalise had taken a liking to the boy. She invited them over for Christmas dinner, something she had never done before. Christmas was in a week and Tomike wondered where all the time had gone. A new year was about to start and she knew she had to fix her relationship with her son. It was about time.

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Xoxo 💕💕

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