Chapter 11: The Past

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Tomike watched as the waiter dropped her order on the glass table. She couldn't help but drool over the fresh plate of egusi soup and tender looking amala that was before her.

She looked up at mummy Kennedy, "Thank you ma"

"Oh it's nothing. Enjoy your meal my dear"

Tomike fantasized about eating in the resturant she was now seated in. They made the best African dishes, but of course at a high price. Not in her wildest dreams could she afford it. She could only take in all the wonderful aroma as she hawked past the resturant.

She washed her hands in the bowl of water on the table, and dipped it into the well rounded amala. Amazing. This was the good life. Not the watery soup they made her eat back at home.

"When I heard of your mother's death I was so sad. She was such a good woman, I respected her a lot. Its sad she left us so soon."

Tomike nodded, bearly paying attention to the woman as she tried to tear off the meat she was holding to her mouth.

"But what happened sef, I never heard the full story of how she died. I only heard there was an accident."

At that moment Tomike dropped the piece of meat and cleared her throat as she recalled the whole tragedy.

"It was an accident ma. She lost her balance while coming down the staircase and fell. And you know our house is at the top of a two-storey building. It was already too late before she got to the hospital" Tomike replied her.

"Ha! So sad. Hmmm. It is well, may her gentle soul continue to rest in God's peace"

"Amen" and she continued with her food.

"I heard you are staying with your step father and his wife, I also heard they won't let you go to school, but instead send you out to sell. Is that true?"

Tomike nodded.

"How long have you been out of school?"

"About three years now ma. After my mother died I stopped. Then I resumed Jss 1 again, but my step father wouldn't let me continue."

"Wicked man. With that smart head of yours ehnn. I remember you used to be so good in your academics. Three years is a long time."

And truly it was a long time. But Tomike didn't just let herself turn into a dullard. She studied everything and anything. She'd pick up any book and read. She'd also go to her neighbours kids who were around her age and borrow their school notes. She'd write them down and study them. She even compiled notes from different classes and schools. She loved maths, and would spend any free time she had solving equations. As she had no teacher, she learned to teach herself. There was no way she was going to give up on her studies.

"Well I have good news Tomike. There was a time your mother was looking for someone, her aunty who stays in Lagos. Well I've found her. She lives in Agege and is doing very well."

Tomike recalled her mother wanted to find a woman they could stay with, she really wanted to find her because she was so sure she would help her out. But how sure was she now her mother was dead that she wasn't about to go from the frying pan, straight into the fire.

"I've spoken to her" mummy Kennedy broke into her thoughts, "And she can't believe her little niece had a child and she was not aware. She wants to see you so badly, and I've arranged the meeting. Would you like to see her?"

Tomike wasn't sure, but she was willing to take her chances. Anything to not be around that man. She had planned to run away anyways, this could be the opening she was looking for. She closed her eyes, and then opened them again as she took a deep breath.

"I would love to see her ma."

"Great! I will let her know and get back to you. I believe family is always better to be around. That man and his concubine are not your family. Plus I asked around about Iya Bose and I've only gotten good reports. I'm sure she'll take good care of you"

Tomike smiled, as she stuffed her face with Amala.

"I wish I had found her sooner. I'm sorry Tomike, I wish I'd found her before your mother.... " she began sobbing.

"It's fine ma, really it's fine. What matters is that you didn't completely forget me. You came back. Not many people would do that. And for that I'm greatful."

"You are right my dear" she wiped the tears off her face. "Eat up dear, eat up. You look too thin for my liking."

Tomike felt hope in her heart, something she hadn't felt in a long while. She had this knowing that it was going to get better.

You'll be fine Tomike, you'll be fine.

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