Chapter 19: The Past

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Iya Bose rushed in between them.

"Kilode Tomike, kilode! Do you want to kill him?"

"Mummy didn't you see what he did? He broke the..."

"It was a mistake" the boy said in between sobs, tears flowing down his face.

"Shut up!" Tomike snapped, "Shut your dirty trap up, odé."

"Ahh! Tomike, please leave this boy for me, please. Who even cares about the stupid vase, they can be replaced. All you ought to do is collect the ball and punish him, no need for this."

The children Dayo played with now watched, scared and terrified, feeling guilty for what was happening to their friend.

"We are sorry ma" The oldest one among them said in almost a whisper. He wasn't older than ten or eleven years old.

Tomike shot him a look that immediately made him recoil, probably wishing he had stayed quiet.

"It's fine" Iya Bose replied him. "But you children ought to be careful. Oya give me the ball, to your house,to your house. No more playing ball today. As for you Dayo, Kanu the footballer, go to my room and kneel down, I'll meet you there."

As the boys went back inside, Iya Bose grabbed Tomike's hand and took her into her warehouse which was deserted considering it was a Sunday.

"What is wrong with you! If you were any younger I would have given you a dirty slap and in front of those children at that. Are you normal? Agbaya oshi. See how you were beating that boy."

Tomike wanted to speak but Iya Bose quickly hushed her with a show of hand.

"It is not that boy's fault that what happened to you happened to you, it is not, do you hear me! Any opportunity you get, you beat and maltreat him. I have accepted him into the family just as I accepted you. Be careful Tomike, be careful. It's been seven years already, the boy is seven years old, can you stop now?" Iya Bose's eyes were watering up. 

"I'm sorry ma" Tomike knelt, unapologetic about her action.

"Not me o, him. Go and apologise to your son."

"But he did something wrong."

"And so did you, and last I checked two wrongs don't make a right. Go and tell your son sorry."

Sorry my foot

"Yes ma". She stood up and left.

Iya Bose always favoured Dayo. She spoilt him in Tomike's opinion.

Dayo this, Dayo that.

It irritated her. He had found a way to warm himself into everyone's heart. Even Iya Bose's children who were sceptical about his arrival into the family now accepted him.

He had taken her place, the special place she had in the house before he came. Iya Bose now cared more about him than she did her.

She'd take Dayo's side over Tomike's anyday. This alien hadn't just invaded her body, but also her life as well.

He didn't deserve growing up in such an environment, even Tomike herself had not done so. He didn't deserve all the love and attention, she didn't have all of that. He had everything she didn't and it made her angry and jealous. His father was a nobody, yet here he was eating from the king's table.

Kilode- What is it?
Odé- fool
Agbaya oshi- stupid old fool

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Who else finds it strange that Tomike is jealous of her own son 😕, I know I do... Lol😅.

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