☁️🤎✨I DIDN'T CALL YOU DAD!!!✨🤎☁️

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Follows a skit that already exists, I just edited it to work with these characters

Barbatos: I wrote down that recipe you wanted, you can come over to the castle to get it whenever suits you.

Luke: Thanks Dad!




Luke: Why is everyone staring at me..?

Solomon: You just called him dad! You said 'Thanks Dad!'!!! :D

Luke: N-no I didn't!

Barbatos: Is it possible you see me as a father figure Luke?

Luke: I didn't! I-I said thanks... m-man! Yea! If anything I'd just see you as just a d-demon because, because... Because you're always helping Diavolo! Yea!

MC: Hey! Treat your father with some respect!


Barbatos: No, no, no, no, Luke I take it as a complement. 

Asmo: It's not a big deal, I called Lucifer Mom once and he's my brother.

Luke: Jump on that! Asmodeus has Psycho-sexual issues!!

Asmo: Everyone already knows that, but you calling Barbs 'daddy'

Barbatos: Hey, 'daddy' is strictly off the table here.

Solomon: But you did call him dad

Luke: You shut up! All you've done since you've been here is scheme on how to get more pacts!

Solomon: Alright, alright, I will admit that, but the 'Dad' thing did happen.

Luke: AHA! He admitted he schemed how to get more pacts! I-it was all a trap! All apart of my... crazy... devious... plan.........

Barbatos: I believe that,

Luke: Thank you!

Barbatos: son.

Luke: ...

Barbatos: Want to talk about it later over a cookbook?

Luke:... I do

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