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The halls of the House of Lamentation were noisy as usual, Mammon running away from Lucifer, Satan And Belphie planning a new scheme, Levi was playing games while Beel ate his snacks. Only one person was unaccounted for, and that was Asmo; he tended to be out late so him being absent wasn't shocking. Meanwhile I was in my room, enjoying not being the center of some new event for once. At least for now, it'd most likely happen again soon knowing my luck. For now however, it was time to enjoy the peace and not so quiet of what I now call my home.

That was until my D.D.D. chimed

Asmodeus: MC, are you home?

That was different, but he probably needed me to grab something for him so I reply

MC: Yea, I'm home. What's up?

I move to set my phone down but before I could Asmo responds, and rather quickly

Asmodeus: Can you come to my room? Now please.


I finally arrive at Asmo's bedroom door, pausing in front of it as I hear a muffled noise from the other side. I quietly knock on the door, almost hesitating. The noise immediately stops as I hear rustling from the other side of the door and within moments the door is swung open. I can't help but take note of the smeared eyeliner and mascara that was hastily attempted to be fixed as Asmo says in his usual happy tone

"Hey darling!~ Come in, come in! I can't leave a doll like you out here"

And with that he takes my hand, his own shaking slightly but his grip light enough where if I wanted to pull away I could with ease while he guides me into the beautiful room.

As soon as I'm in the room he shuts the door behind us and locks it, I turn around to make a playful remark but the words die in my throat as I see his sad eyes and weak smile before he says softly

"Hey there doll, sorry if I interrupted your time with the rest of them I just.. can you stay here with me for a while? I need some uninterrupted time with you, only if you want to of course I completely understand if not-"

I don't even let him finish as I take the hand he took and give it a small squeeze promising gently

"I'll stay here as long as you need, well at least till the morning. I think Lucifer would hang us both from the ceiling if we missed school tomorrow."

That last sentence manages to give him a slightly wider smile, putting some of the light back into his eyes with a small chuckle

"Thank you MC, now then... mind to go on the bed with me?"

I raise an eyebrow at this before he quickly clarifies

"To cuddle Hun, I may be the Avatar of Lust but even I need wholesome touch.. just once in a while."

I smile gently nodding, giving his hand another gentle squeeze as I responded

"Of course Azzy, sorry I guess I'm just use to hearing innuendos around the house I suppose"

I immediately regret my words as I see a pained face for just a moment before he returns to his cheery disposition

"Ah is is what I'm known for! Now c'mon, you surely would be over the moon to be by my side. Correct?"

That last sentence sounded a bit more.. dejected? I can't help but pull him closer by the hand asking earnestly yet softly

"I would be but.. Asmo are you alright? I don't mean to be noisy but I can't help but feel like somethings wrong-"

Asmodues instantly tenses up slightly, barely enough to be noticed even by me as he cuts me off

"Wrong? Wrong- No, no. Nothings wrong hun, just stealing you away from the rest of them for a while. I don't think anythings wrong with that, right?"

I can't help but raise a metaphorical eyebrow, that didn't sound like a response from someone that was completly fine..

"Azzy.. I'm not going to make you talk but if you need or want to I'm hear. I WANT to help you."

I look deep into his peach eyes, not expecting him to start tearing up at all as he sighs

"MC.. I- You care about me right? The real me?"

My eyes widen at this, caught off guard at this as I promised in a quiet whisper

"Well, I don't quite know what you mean by the 'real you' but if you mean if I care about the you I get to know when it's just us then.. Yes. More then anything. Why-"

Before I can even finish my sentence I feel Asmodeus practically tackling me into a hug, holding me tightly while his head rests against the top of mine

"I just... I needed to be sure. Now, can we cuddle for a bit? Maybe a bath? I got this new bath set and I wouldn't mind sharing it with you. It has these little scented bath bombs and-"

"Asmo. Why did you think I didn't like you? The you I get to see when it's just us? I just- Did I make you feel like that?"

I cut him off, asking a question this has left me with. I look up at him, still hugging him as we stand in his beautifully bright room now darkened with slight tension before he sighed

"I just.. You always get time with everyone else and with me.. I'm so use to having to play into my sin- into what I am to get attention so when I got it from you for free I just.. I wanted more. I know you're busy, I know you've got a lot on your plate but sometimes I worry that I don't have what you want. I can't help but worry if you want my love, no if you need my love even without my charms or sin attached to it- to me. I've never fallen for anyone other then myself and.. I don't know what to do. I want to show you every single side of me. I want to look into those beautiful eyes, I want to I want to show you every side of me but the meaning of these words that are unlike me. I want you to look at me the way I look at you but I never get that kind of time with you"

I see him looking down at me tears in his eyes, still holding me tight. I'm practically speechless at this, all of this. It takes me a moment to collect my thoughts before I manage to squeak out

"I do look at you that way, Azzy.. I love you, completely and utterly. Every single side of you that you've shown thus far I've adored, and I don't see that ever changing. I.. I know I've been busy, and I apologize for not making more time for you. I may not be able to promise anything due to how this household tends to work in chaos but I'll do everything in my power to make more time for you, no matter what"

"No matter what."

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