Mammon NSFW Alphabet

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A - Aftercare (what is he like after sex)

Tired, it takes a lot of energy out of him but he'll fight through it to make you two comfortable

B - Body part (his favorite body part, as well as his partner's body part)

He love's his hair and likes keeping it fluffy, and he loves your heart. After the close calls you two have had he loves to just listen to your heartbeat, knowing you're safe 

C - Cum (mostly anything to do with cum)

Loves seeing you covered or pumped full of his, he finds it hot

D - Dirty secret (his dirty secret)

He likes to look at you, weather it's in the sweetest or spiciest moment, loves looking at you and knowing you choose him

E - Experience (how experienced is he? Does he know what he's doing?)

No experience that he agreed to (the witch card..). He doesn't know what he's doing but will try his best, just be patient and understanding

F - Favorite position (his favorite pose)

Cow girl/ Cow boy


Loves being able to look at you

G - Goofy (is he serious? humorous? etc..)

Serious when needed but tends to be more humorous with it

H - Hair (how well groomed is it?)

Well, not perfect but every time he remembers to he does it

I - Intimacy (how romantic is he?)

Very, he tries his best

J - Jack off (masturbation)

More than he'd admit, but quite often

K - Kink (one or more of his kinks/fetishes)

Masochist and praise kinks

L - Location (favorite places)

A bed or his car

M - Motivation (what turns him on)

Knowing that you want him, OOOOOOOH BOI

N - No (what he wouldn't do)

Do anything you don't say yes to directly, nor will he ever be comfortable being tied down (with rope) in a sexual setting

O - Oral (prefers to give or receive?)


P - Pace (is he fast and rough? slow and sensual?)

Depends on how pent up he is and what you give the go-ahead on

Q - Quickie (does he like fast sex)

If you guys don't have time for longer then yes, but prefers to take his time with you if you can

R - Risk (does he like experiments/risks)

He loves them, as long as he won't die via Luci

S - Stamina (for how many rounds it is enough)

As many as needed, but starts to overstim after one or two

T - Toys (does he have toys? does he use them?)

Some, and only if you mention them, he's shy at the fact he thought to buy them for you two and will pretend the were given to him by Asmo if you don't ask directly 

U - Unfair (does he like to tease)

A bit, not to much tho

V - Volume (how loud it is, what sounds it makes, etc.)

Very, very loud and verbal

W - Wild card (random headcannon)

He knows how bad the whole 'I'm your first' thing sounds

Y - Yearning (his sexual attraction)

High, through the roof. He tries to hint at it with saying he's your first even if he brushes it off as not understanding how bad it sounds. He knows, knows indeed...

Z - Zzz (how quickly he then falls asleep) 

Right away if you're both comfortable and clean enough. If not only long enough to get that done, then it's cuddle time

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