Why all the brothers need therapy

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Okay-okay. Let's be honest here, they all need help. MC is at times basically a therapist, and so to help with said therapyI'll gather the information I've found so far on why they need it. If I'm off or list something that's cleared later let me know so I can correct it!

Thank you!!!!


-scared of opening up to others and it isolates him
-thinks he alone should carry punishment for things (keeping Lilith's rebirth a secretes to be the only one with that 'burden')
- self conscious and a perfectionist
-takes little concern of himself and pushes himself into unhealthy habits
-he straight up needs a break
-when he's out of control he FREAKS
-has indeed wondered if his brothers hate him
-people pleaser at times
-feels like his 100% responsible for everything
-started a war with his father. So check on the family issues there-
-self sacrificing to an alarming point
-has never really asked for help, especially if it's avoidable


-insecurities galore
-thinks he's unloved and/or unlovable
-when he messes up he becomes a mental mess
-he thinks what his brothers say about him is true
-let's his brother treat him terribly because he loves them and thinks they're right so why fight it to much?
-Give this boy a HUG


-70% of his thoughts or feelings of worthlessness and inferiority....
-Doesn't give himself credit for the stuff he's good at! Nor his achievements..
-Clings onto things he things he's go at desperately
-when he's beaten at something he's passionate about he takes it really personally like 'if I'm not really the best at these few things I'm good at them what's the point.. I'm not good..'
-he almost kills us over that last point....
-he almost always is bad talking himself, and truly believes it
- crippling anxiety and loneliness
-self isolation to the MAX


-Angry issues (obviously)
-the game states that before you every smile was a fake one... sooooo
-inferiority complex
-escapism in books
-hates how he came to be
-suppression with emotions
-doesn't like being the avatar of wrath
-"knowledge is power" and gathers knowledge to gain power and control most likely for a feeling of powerlessness in some sense, which is often the case in real life examples and people gaining some form of power or being controlling in order to gain some sense of it in their day to day life
-thinks Lucifer is superior and hates it


-perfectionist with looks due to a sense of imperfection
-I have a head cannon that's a little angsty due to its nature that due to how many lovers he's had that he probably had to deal with some bs over it
- thinks without the makeup he's not lovable
-until many chapters in he constantly compares himself to Lucifer and thinks less of himself due to it
-needs affirmation that he's 'perfect' and he's insecure about himself in dialogue
*"You love me, don't you?"
*"Simeon's so beautiful.... Un, not that I'm jealous or anything!"
*"If I were like Diavolo, I could have any demon or human I wanted."
*"Hello! I look amazing in the afternoon, too! Wouldn't you agree?!"
And more...


-survivors guilt. Straight up blames himself for living through the war when his sister died
-ptsd is more noticeable then most of the others
-stress eats a lot
-you thought that Lucifer was self sacrificing? OH BOY!
-He has a hard time defining emotion and categorizes them into feeling full or feelings empty
-gets self conscious about their eating habits
-"I don't need, I don't care. Sometimes getting dizzy" is quite alarming


-struggles in opening up
-extreme pessimist
-HC of him using sleep as an escape from reality at times
- Shows signs of depression



-Someone who wants to commit genocide and brutality murders someone who offers and provides help with no draw-backs doesn't have good mental health.
-was isolated in the attic for so long, it's bound to have had an effect of his mental health
-toxic coping mechanisms
-low key (*cough* high key *cough*) was abused by Lucifer and I kinda want to smack Luci for that still. None of this is an excuse however for his awful behavior towards MC and his plans for genocide. He still committed those actions, although if his plan would have been more so him snapping from a mix of his trama, abuse, toxic coping mechanisms,and isolation I wouldn't be still salty about it as I am. But it was all premeditated. He only stopped trying to kill us because of our relationship with Lilith at least at first...

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