⛈💙W-what..? GN! MC x Lucifer 💙⛈

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Ever since MC has arrived it seems as if they're cold towards me, disrespectful and unmoving. As the avatar of pride I must demand more than I'm receiving from this human. I cannot allow this... utter shameful behavior, I must speak with them and make them understand such. I cannot let this continue, as endearing as it is I cannot let this ruin the image I've tried so hard to gain here after the fall. I cannot let this ruin everything I've done to protect my family. As I walk to find them in the House of Lamination, I can't help but feel something... sorry perhaps? I have no idea. Up ahead I see them alone in the kitchen, perfect. I don't want to make them embarrassed in front of any others. That would be horrid to do to them. I shouldn't care, they're ruining me, but I can help but to care.

Lucifer: Hey MC? May I have a word with you?
MC: Sure, what do you need? More tasks for me to do for RAD?
Lucifer: No, not yet anyways. It's about a different matter.
MC: Like...?
Lucifer: You aren't giving me enough respect in public. It's ruining mine and Diavolo's image in the public eye. I-
MC: Did you ever once respect me when I first arrived here?
Lucifer: What does that have to do with any of thi-?
MC: Listen to me you pathetic slime, I can respect you for protecting your family, but I'll never respect you as a person. You got that?

Why did that... hurt...?

MC: Good. Now sit down because we're in for a long chat.
Lucifer: You aren't allowed to order me around like an anima-
Mc: I said SIT!
*forced to sit via pact*
Lucifer: MC! What's gotten into yo-
MC: Lucifer Morningstar! I order you to be silent! It's your turn to shut up and listen.
Lucifer: ...

It didn't work.. are they, scared?

MC: You have never, NEVER, respected me. Not even once. To you I'm the 'chore', the job you didn't want to do. I mean nothing to you. You've tried to kill me twice now and never once bothered to try to apologize. You only try to protect me due to your 'wonderful Diavolo'!
Lucifer: MC-
MC: I said shut!
Lucifer: ...
MC: Even after I saved your brother from YOU, you threatened me. You pretending to be high and mighty doesn't mean shit to me. You clearly only care for yourself in this case, and I don't want to only be a pawn to you...
I wanted to be so much more to you.. but it's clear to me you don't.
Lucifer: W-what..?
MC: Don't play dumb with me Morning Star...
Are they crying?!? What are they going on about? They clearly don't respect me so what is their issue? They couldn't care for me..
MC: I'm going to my room.. don't follow me unless you want to break the pact. Goodbye Lucifer.

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