Karma Time - 2nd Period

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The tension the hallway was palpable as Karma and the blond haired assassin continued to eye each other in anticipation before their upcoming fight, waiting for their opponent to make their first move. Karma's classmates watched the entire thing nervously from the background, worried for their classmates, because this time Karma was going against an actual assassin.

Karma was the first one to make his move. In the blink of an eye, Karma swung the potted man he had used earlier at his opponent, trying to land a blow on his head, but his attempt turned out to be for nothing as his opponent caught the plant before it could reach him without any problem.

"Too soft, hm." The blond haired man said, putting more pressure on the potted plant. The plant was snapped in half just a few seconds later, "You'll have to find a better weapon, hm."

"Don't need one." Karma smiled, letting go off the potted plant which landed on the floor and stepped back.

The red haired delinquent and the blond haired assassin stared at each other for a few more seconds, bracing themselves to fight only with their bare hands. The assassin charged at Karma a second later, with the intention of taking a swing at him. He swung his fist at Karma as Karma dodged his attack by quickly moving to the side. The blond haired man continued attack Karma as Karma managed to either dodge or block his strikes without any problem.

"Grip strength capable of crushing skulls..." Karma thought to himself as he proceeded to either dodge or block attacks from the blond haired man as his opponent wasn't thinking about stopping his attacks, "Once he gets his hands on me, it's game over. On first glance, this seems like an unwinnable game, but switch our positions around and it's no different from the unwinnable game we always play."

"Wow." Kayano whispered to herself in awe as she and her classmates watched how their classmate dodge all the strikes directed his way with ease, "He's dodging or blocking every blow!"

"That's your defence technique, right, Karasuma-sensei?" Koro-sensei asked his fellow teacher.

Karasuma narrowed his eyes a bit, knowing what that the moves Karma was using right now were his defence technique, "Self-defense is a low priority for assassins, so while I don't remember teaching it in class. He must have picked it up by watching me dodge their knives. Karma Akabane... Even in this E Class, his talent for fighting is head and shoulders above the rest."

Karma continued blocking the blond haired's man strikes as he thought to himself, aware of what would happen if he tried to attack his opponent, "I can dodge him... but if I move in to attack, he'll grab me."

The blond haired man was about to move towards Karma, intending to continue what he was doing for the past several seconds, but quickly changed his mind and stopped in his tracks. He took a step back, looking at Karma with an annoyed look on his face, "What's wrong, hm? You'll never get past me if you don't attack, hm!"

"Oh, you don't say?" Karma smiled at him, bringing himself out of the blocking stance he was in for the last several seconds, "I mean, I could be doing my best to distract you while the rest of us slip past a few at a time." His opponent narrowed his eyes at him, "Relax. No underhanded hijinx here. Now... it's my turn." He cracked his knuckles and started hopping about like they usually do in martial arts when preparing to fight, "Barehanded, like you. We'll settle this fair and square, man to man."

"I like that face of yours, young warrior, hm." The blond haired man smiled back at his opponent, "With you, I've got a chance— a chance at the fair fight I can't experience in the assassination biz, hm."

Karma moved forward, beginning to attack his opponent in various ways. He tried to hit him the moment he managed to get close to him, but his opponent managed to dodge his strike without any problem. He continued to attack his opponent, throwing punches left and right, up and down as the blond haired asassasin continued to dodge them with ease.

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