School Trip Time

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The students of 3-E were gathered on the sports field as they were in the middle of another P.E class with Karasuma, all of them wearing the school's gym uniforms. They were all sitting on the ground and looking up at Karasuma who was standing in front of them, informing them about the school trip to Kyoto on which they will go to soon.

"As you now, next week is our two-night trip to Kyoto." He began, facing his students, "And while I hate to ruin the excitement, let me remind you that you're still on duty."

"You mean, we'll be attempting assassinations there?" Okano asked, her gaze set on her P.E teacher.

"Precisely." Karasuma replied as his students listened carefully to everything he had to say to them, "Kyoto is far larger and more complex than this school and you'll be moving in groups that he'll be following. It's an ideal location for snipers, and the government has already arranged for sharpshooters to join you. Upon success, each person will share in the ten billion yen based on the degree on their contribution. Be sure to pick assassination friendly tour routes."

"Yes sir!" The class chorused in response.


A little later, the students of 3-E were in their classroom, chatting with each other, mostly about the school trip to Kyoto, beginning to form the groups for the said trip. The groups for the school trip will consist of six people with the exception of one group that will have to consist of seven people. Nagisa, Y/N, Sugino and Kayano immediately formed one group and now they just had to find two, maybe three more people to add into their group.

"Groups for the school trip, huh?" Nagisa said, looking at a map of Kyoto in his hands as Kayano, Sugino and Y/N stood next to him. He shifted his gaze from the map at Karma who was standing on his right, "Hey, Karma, want to be in my group?

Karma turned to them and smiled, "Yeah, okay."

"You sure about that, Karma?" Sugino asked nervously, not sure about the delinquent being in their group as Karma walked over to them, "You won't be picking fights and getting into trouble on our trip, right?"

"No sweat." Karma grinned devilishly as he took out a photo of himself and two highschoolers. A beaten up boy and a nervous girl. He was standing between them on this photo, his arms wrapped around them, smilling happily, "When I fight offsite, I make sure to silence any witness. No one will breath a word."

"C'mon!" Sugino whispered to Nagisa, "You can't let him into our group!"

A sheepish smiled formed on Nagisa' lips as he responded to Sugino's words, "We are old friends, though."

Y/N smiled at Sugino's reaction, "It will be an interesting trip."

"Interesting?" Sugino whispered to his foreign friend, "In a good or a bad way?"

Karma leaned towards them before Y/N could answer to Sugino's question, still smilling, "So, what's the group? Nagisa, Sugino, Y/N, Kayano and..."

Kayano brought Okuda into their view, "Oh, I invited Okuda!"

"With Okuda, our group now consists of six people." Y/N said as he looked around his group, "Is that everyone or does anyone have another person in their mind? Koro-sensei did say one group will have an extra member."

"Good thing you brought that up, Y/N." Sugino said, making everyone look at him, "As Y/N has just mentioned, one group will have to consist of seven people." He gestured to Kanzaki who walked over to the group, "So I invited Kanzaki."

Kayano gasped as her eyes widened, "No objections here!"

Kanzaki smiled kindly at them, bowing her head in a grateful manner, "Thanks for having me, Nagisa."

Student Exchange Program Gone Weird (Assassination Classroom x Male Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu