Talent Time

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It was another sunny day in Japan and the student of 3-E made sure to use the good weather the best way they could. The students from the said class were gathered on the sports field as they were in the middle of another P.E Class with Karasuma, each one of them was wielding their own Anti-Sensei knife. The students were standing in pairs, sparring with each other.

Y/N dodged a strike from Sugino as he happened to be paired with him for this class. He responded to her strike by swinging his knife at him as Sugino quickly noticed his stike blocked it with his own blade. The two of them exchanged a brief smirks, before swinging their knives at each other in the exact same time which ended with their knives colliding.

His knife skills might have still been far from perfect, but he had improved compared to his skills a few months ago. He still had a long way to go if he wanted ever to get close to the people such as Karma who was among the most skilled in the E Class in terms of using knife, though. At least his shooting skills were still one of the best in the class, with Chiba and Rinka being the only ones better than him in this area.

Karasuma watched his students spar with each other with his arms crossed from the spot which was giving him a good look at all of them, watching his students from this spot with a stern expression on his face and correcting them whenever one of his students did a mistake.

"Don't look away!" He shouted to his students, "Predict your target's moves! If you can do that, you'll block off every last one of his escape routes!"

It had been four months since the students from the E Class had begun their assassination training under his guidance and more and more students from the said class were showing promise

Isogai and Maheara were one of the best examples of it from their class. The two of them had great reflexes and when they worked together as a pair their knives hit the mark more often now.

Karma was another example of t. At the first glance the red haired delinquent seemed to be lazy laid back type of person but he always proved it to be wrong during the training. The government agent didn't even want to mention the great eagerness for mischief in Karma's eyes.

There were some examples among the girls from this class as well. Because of her gymnastics background, Okano had unpredictable movement and Kataoka's reach and physical perfomance rivaled the boys.

He smiled slightly when the thought regarding how much students had improved flew through his mind. The five students that he had just mentioned will definitely make exceptional attackers. The classmates of the said five still had a long way to go in their training, but they had come a lot further than he had hoped. His students were definitely doing not a bad job, considering they had just trained for four months.

He was brought out his thoughts once he felt a very cold hill race down his spine, feeling a dangerous presence approaching him from behind. He stiffened as this unknown presence made him feel like something, like a snake slowly was wrapping itself around his neck, with no way of escaping it. He did the only thing that came into his mind at the moment to escape this situation.

He elbowed his right hand back and knocked whoever had just attacked him from him away from him. The unknown person landed on the ground, letting out, "Ow." upon the impact.

Karasuma looked at the person he had just knocked down and saw Nagisa. The blue haired boy sat up on the ground, rubbing his neck as Karasuma quickly went over to his side after realizing his mistake, "Sorry! I put a little too much force into my block there."

Nagisa offered his teacher a smile to assure him that there was nothing wrong with him, "Oh, I'm fine."

"Dummy! You have to keep an eye on him!" Sugino said as he and Y/N approached Nagisa and Karasuma.

Student Exchange Program Gone Weird (Assassination Classroom x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now