Leader Time

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It was a regular day after school for Y/N. After having his usual classed in the old school building at the mountain, he made his way down the mountain with his classmates and bid his farewell with the for the day before parting ways with them and heading towards his dorm. Before he could leave the zone of his school, however, he felt himself growing thirsty and decided to drink some water before leaving the school zone.

Taking off his backpack, he unzipped it and reached his hand into it in search for a water bottle he knew he had in there. Much to his dismay, he couldn't find it and he cursed himself mentally after a second upon realizing he had drank all of it after another long and tiring P.E class with Karasuma. Not wanting to walk all the way back to the dorm while feeling thirsty, Y/N turned around and walked back into the full school zone in search of a vending machine.

It wasn't long until he found what he was looking for as a vending machine appeared in his gaze a second later. He walked over to it and looked around everything it had to offer before setting his eyes on the water bottle. He smiled a bit, seeing there was only one water bottle left. Looks like Lady Luck decided to smile down upon him today as he was fortunate enough to claim the last water from the vending machine for himself. Not wasting any time, he quickly bought the water for himself and took it out of the vending machine.

"...Who do we have here?" A male voice he was more than familiar with at this point rang through his ears just as he took the water out of the vending machine.

"Goddammit..." Y/N muttered under his breath with irritation evident in his voice, knowing exactly who it was. He turned around to face the source of this voice and saw four familiar figures in front of him. The said familiar figures were Lamar, Keith, Ashley and Lara. The former two stood in front of the latter two, having the same annoying smirks on their faces.

Keith crossed his arms, "What are you doing here?"

"I was buying myself a water like a normal human being?" Y/N replied in a blank tone, showing them just how not interested he was in talking with them. He pushed himself into walk, wanting to walk past them and go back to what he was doing before heading off to buy himself something to drink, "Now if you'll excuse me..."

"Where do you think you're going?" Lamar asked as he grabbed Y/N by his shoulders, stopping him from going further.

Y/N looked at him like it was the obvious question he had heard in a long time, "I don't need to explain myself to you. Now let me go. I'm not interested in talking with you."

Lamar narrowed his eyes at him, "Here we go again with this."

Y/N raised his brow in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"The same lack of respect." Lamar explained, "When you will finally learn to show any respect to those above you?"

Y/N rolled his eyes at him, "Why should I know you any respect? You're not showing me any so why should I give you any? Respect is not something I give because someone demands me to give this. In fact. It makes me respect you less."

Lamar pushed Y/N a bit by his shoulder, making the scrawny boy stumble backwards a bit by the force of it, "Is that so? Look at him guys. Someone thinks is all special and has a big mouth. Don't you agree."

"Yeah. It's hard to disagree, man." Keith nodded in agreement as Y/N glanced behind Lamar and Keith and saw Lara and Ashley. Lara had a small smile on her face as she watched everything go down in front of her and Ashley looked almost apologetic by what was happening right now and looked like she was wanting to say something. No words came out of her mouth, though.

Lamar crossed his arms, "With you and your big mouth showing us you will never learn to show any respect on your own, then maybe we should give you a quick lesson in it?"

Student Exchange Program Gone Weird (Assassination Classroom x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now