Transfer Student Time

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It have been a few days since the school trip to Kyoto and another day of school was about to begin for E Class. Y/N, Nagisa and Sugino were walking together towards their school building at the old compus, just like they did each morning, talking with each other on their way there.

"That was one fun school trip." Nagisa said to his classmates.

Sugino sighed, wishing that the trip lasted longer than it did, "But now it's all back to normal."

"Yeah." Y/N nodded in agreement.

"You call this normal?" Nagisa questioned as he shifted his gaze between his two friends.

"It became normal to us at this point." Y/N explained to Nagisa to which Sugino nodded in agreement.

"Yo!" A familiar voice sounded behind the three boys, making them stop. They turned around and saw Isogai running towards them.

"Hey." Sugino greeted Isogai as he turned around to look at him.

Y/N offered Isogai a small smile, "Hi."

"Morning Isogai." Nagisa greeted Isogai, smilling

Isogai stopped in front of his classmates and smiled at them, "Did you guys see that group email from Karasuma-sensei?"

"Yep." Nagisa nodded in response.

"It was about the transfer student, right?" Sugino wanted to be sure.

Y/N nodded in confirmation, "It was."

Isogai reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone . He opened an email and showed it to his classmates. Sugino leaned towards Isogai's phone and read the email, with Y/N and Nagisa quickly following his example as they gathered around Isogai's phone.

"Hmm." Sugino said after reading what was written in the email on Isogai's phone, "Sounds like another pro killer to me."

"So." Nagisa began, "Now they're bringing in student assassins."

Isogai looked up from his phone, "If they're a transfer student, maybe they'll be our age, not like Bitch-sensei!"

"I hope so." Y/N said, "One Bitch-sensei is enough."

"True." His classmates voiced their agreement at the same time.

"On that note!" Okajima exclaimed as he appeared in front of Nagisa, Y/N, Sugino and Isogai, starling the four boys. For them, he appeared out of thin air, because he was nowhere to be seen just a second ago.

"Where'd you come from!?" Sugino screamed as he jerked back, starled by Okajima's sudden appearance.

"I was curious too, so I asked Karasuma if he had a photo." Okajima explained as he pulled out his phone and showed the photo of the transfer student to his classmates, "Here's what he sent back!"

The photo showed a smilling girl about their age. This girl had lilac hair and red eyes.

"Oh!" Sugino exclaimed, "She's a girl!"

"And you've already made her your background." Nagisa commented, raising an eyebrow.

"She's pretty cute." Isogai complimented this new girl looks.

Y/N nodded in agreement. This girl was indeed cute, "She is cute."

"Right! Super cute!" Okajima cried out, agreeing with Isogai and Y/N as he pressed his phone against his chest. He started to dance excitedly at the thought of him and the new girl getting along, "Oh man, I sure hope we hit it off!"

Kataoka and Kurahashi who happened to be passing by Y/N, Nagisa, Sugino, Isogai and Okajima at this moment had a chance to see Okajima's dance of excitement. Kataoka frowned, letting out a groan while Kurahashi smiled in exasperation. They turned away from the boys and continued to walk towards the school building.

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