Assembly Time

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It was early morning and another day of school has begun for 3-E. They were all gathered in the classroom as they were in the middle of the chemistry class. An equipment which was brought into the classroom by Koro-sensei, Isogai and Kataoka was standing on top of the wooden tables in front of each student in the classroom.

Maehara, Kouki and Okajima even tried to assassinate their teacher when he stepped into the classroom by lunging at him with their Anti-Sensei's knives in ready but their attempts to stab their teacher didn't end the way they wanted them to and Koro-sensei was still alive and well. The three boys had to sit down on the floor to catch their breath after they chased their teacher all around the classroom before the class properly started.

Once the class properly started, the students took their seats. They sat around the wooden tables in small groups that either consisted of five or four members. Y/N sat around the table with Isogai, Kouki and Okano. All of the studens had brought some snacks to the classroom because they were told to bring some to todays chemistry class by their teacher.

The students watched closely how Koro-sensei poured some water into a beaker which had some strawberry lace laying at the bottom of it. The water turned red shorty after and Koro-sensei pulled out the sweet out of the beaker, leaving only the stained red water in it.

"It's bright red!" Maehara observed as his classmates watched the entire thing in wonder.

"All right" Koro-sensei exclaimed as he lifted up the beaker, "And with that, our experiment to extract artificial color from junk food..." In the blink of an eye, he moved across the classroom and collected all of the sweets and snacks from his students, "...Is a success!" He sweated, now holding all of the candy and snacks he had just taken taken away from his students, "I'll take care of the leftover items!"

"What?" The class screamed at the same time.

Y/N's eyes snapped open as his candy disappeared from his hands, "I was planning to eat that!"

"We bought those for ourselves!" Isogai shouted as Koro-sensei disappeared from the classroom, only to return a second later, now without candies and snacks as they were now hidden in a place where the students were not going to find them.

"He just did this to get tentacles on enough snacks to last until payday tommorow." Maehara stated, irritation evident in his voice as Nagisa deadpanned, Kayano forced a small smile and Kataoka looked annoyed.

"Why is a super-organism that could destroy the Earth living paycheck to paycheck?" Kataoka asked dryly.

Everyone's attention was brought towards Okuda who stood up from her seat in the back of the classroom. She started making his way through the classroom, holding three vials with strange liquor in them behind her back. Her classmates set their eyes on her as she walked past them. She stopped right in front of Koro-sensei.

"U-Um, Sensei." She said, shyly, her gaze set on the floor.

"Can I help you, Okuda?" Koro-sensei questioned.

"This is poison." The glasses wearing declared as she looked up at her teacher, holding out three poison filled vials to him, "Please drink it!"

Her classmates were taken aback by what she just said. They looked at her either in suprise or amusement because of how straightforward she was with her assassination attempt.

Y/N rested his head on his hand and smiled, "Talk about being straightforward."

"The up-approach, I see." Maehara stated, smilling in amusement.

"I guess, that's too much to ask?" Okuda asked, growing more uncertain about the idea she had in mind with each passing second.

"My, this is certainly a straightforward assassination attempt, Okuda." Koro-sensei commented.

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