Nagisa Time

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The class stared at Nagisa in worry after Nagisa pointed his knife towards Takaoka and voiced his intention of wanting to kill him, much to Takaoka's delight and excitement. They had never seen their classmate act like this, even during his first fight with Takaoka and it was quite worrying for them to see him like this.

"It's happened." Kataoka stated in disbelief, "Nagisa snapped."

"Alright, let's be honest here for a second. Sure, we all want to kill him, but Nagisa might do it." Yoshida narrowed his eyes, "Can't say I saw it coming."

"No!" Koro-sensei exclaimed in horror, "Someone has to stop this."

Nagisa was broken out of his trance a second later as someone threw a stun gun. He winced in pain, keeping his eyes glued to Takaoka as his classmates shifted their attention from him to the person who just threw the stun gun and saw Terasaka. He didn't look so good to say the least. His cheeks were flushed pink. He was panting heavily and was badly sweating. His classmates almost instantly realized what was happening to him after seeing the state he was in right now.

"Get over yourself, dumbass!" Terasaka shouted to Nagisa, ignoring the looks his classmates were giving him right now, "Yeah, don't think I missed the look you gave me when he blew up the antidote. Screw your pity! Quit wasting your energy worrying about what's going on with other people and focus on you! Look, the virus is a lie. I'll be fine! He's playing you for an idiot."

"What are you saying?" Isogai right after seeing the state Terasaka was in right now as Kayano gasped in realization, "Are you sick?"

"Murder is murder." Terasaka continued, paying no attention to Isogai's question, "Even with a piece of shit like this evil son of a bitch. He's not worth it! Give in to the bloodlust and you're no better than him!"

"He's absolutely right, Nagisa. Listen to him." Koro-sensei added, speaking faster than usual, "Killing this man won't solve anything. Blind rage is not a moral guide. In any event, he's likely bluffing about the antidote. We need only consult the poisoner downstairs. Do not stoop to Takaoka's level! Simply render him unconscious!"

Takaoka took a few steps towards the group watching him and Nagisa, "Shut your damn mouth! You're taking all of the fun out of everything!" He stopped in his tracks, glaring at the group, "If we're gonna get the most out of this, he's gotta come at me with intent to kill! Part of the process is bloodlust unbound, he has to feel it or I can't properly humiliate him!" A crazed look formed on his face, "How the hell else am I gonna patch up my self-esteem?"

"Nagisa, please." Koro-sensei pleaded his student, "Take up Terasaka's stun-gun. Heed the words of a friend before you give credence to an enemy! Resist the anger, weigh your options. Ask, what within myself does this man have claim on?"

Nagisa's face remained stoic as he slowly looked over his shoulder when he heard someone collaps on the ground. He saw Terasaka laying on the ground, with Yoshida and Kimura rushing over to him in worry.

"Terasaka!" Yoshida cried out in worry for his friend. He and Kimura dropped on their knees and helped him sit up, "You're as hot as a combustion engine!"

"Dude, how'd you make it so far like this?" Kimura asked in shock as he and Yoshida lifted Terasaka's arms, feeling heat radiating off of him.

"Why didn't you tell anyone you were sick?" Y/N wanted to know, "We would leave you with the others if you told us."

"Who cares?" Terasaka pointed his shaky finger towards Nagisa, "Don't look at me, look at them." A painful look formed on his face, "The octopus is half right. You ain't gotta resist the anger, you control it."

Nagisa gasped, ignoring how loud his heart was beating right now. He shifted his gaze away from Terasaka to Terasaka's stun gun. Takaoka growled as Nagisa slowly picked up the stun gun from the ground. The bluenette put the stun gun in his belt loop, before taking his jacket off, which flew away alongside the wind. Nagisa continued to hold his knife, now wearing only a tank top.

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