34 - Senior Prom

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Chloe woke up the morning of senior prom, reluctant to even get out of bed. She rolled over and grabbed the letter that lived on her bedside table to read it again as if she hadn't already read it a thousand times before.


I am so sorry for what I am about to tell you and I wish I had the courage to tell you in person. By the time you have read this, I will be on a plane to L.A., heading off to college. They offered me early acceptance meaning I had to leave earlier than we expected. I won't be there for our prom and I may not make it to graduation but I don't want you to not enjoy your last few weeks of high school because you are thinking or worrying about me, about us. I bought Chicago the tie that matches your dress and asked him to be your prom date because I can't be. But please, don't worry about me, just enjoy your night because you deserve the world and I'm sorry I can't give it to you. I promise to make up for all of this when I get back, if you'll let me.

I love and miss you so much,

Becs x'

The letter was still slightly tear stained and crumpled, making some letters hard to read, but Chloe still knew every line by heart. When she read it for the first time, she called Beca straight away, which went straight to voicemail since she was on the plane, but Chloe made sure to give her a piece of her mind. She left a teary but furious voicemail and some strongly worded text messages. Then after an hour of waiting for a reply she felt bad and made sure to tell her to enjoy herself.

Since Beca had left for college, Chicago had began talking to Chloe more and she eventually agreed to go to prom with him, even if it pained her to not be there with Beca. So that morning, after reading the letter, Chloe took her phone from the table and looked through the notifications, seeing two messages from Chicago.

Chicago: Hope tonight isn't too awkward with everything that has happened. Looking forward to it.

Chicago: Be ready for 12 so I can take you out for lunch before you get ready :)

Chloe wasn't too sure whether she should go or not, it was like saying yes would be some kind of betrayal. But still, Beca had told her to enjoy the day and to go with Chicago so a little lunch couldn't hurt. And it's free food, which she knew Beca would tell her to say yes to.

Chloe: I'm sure tonight will be fun. See you at 12 x

She went downstairs to have a light breakfast and then began getting ready. Nothing too much just some light makeup and a cute outfit, she didn't want to give off the wrong impression, but something told her that Beca will have given him strict instructions on what he could do as her prom date.

Chicago knocked on her door right on time and took her out to a small cafe in the middle of time. It wasn't that Chloe didn't enjoy the little get together, it was just that she would have preferred to be there with pretty much anyone else. By the time she got back, it was time to start getting ready for prom. Between her hair salon appointment and getting her make up done, she tried to call Beca, but it went straight to voicemail. Chloe assumed that she was probably asleep or busy with her college life.

Two hours later she stood in front of her mirror in her prom dress, while her mom stood in the doorway taking in the moment.

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