19 - Privacy

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Beca stared in disbelief at Stacie, and then Aubrey, and back to Stacie again. Once she had processed what had just been said, she was infuriated to say the least. First of all, Stacie usually tells Beca everything about her sex life, even if Beca doesn't want to know, which most of the time she doesn't, but one of the key times Beca would like to know she keeps it a secret. Secondly, she slept with Aubrey, really?!

Beca didn't know who she was more enraged at. Stacie for fucking the person she hates the most. Or Aubrey for fucking one of the people she loves the most and one of her longest best friends. 

Either way she was pissed and everyone could see it. Aubrey didn't know what to do with herself and just sat, waiting for something to happen as were many other people in the room. Stacie sent an apologetic look Aubrey's way and then looked to Beca in the same way, hoping that it would solve everything.

Everyone was waiting for someone to do something, mainly expecting Beca to swing at someone. 

But nothing.

No one moved. No one spoke. The only sound was coming from Fat Amy who was digging into a bag of Doritos she pulled from her bag. The only way to stop the awkward silence was to carry on with the game.

So, as Beca was burning holes into the sides of Stacie and Aubrey's heads, Sophie awkwardly pulled a card from the circle. They continued the game but it was clear the atmosphere wasn't the same as before. 

It wasn't long until the last king was drawn and the game ended when Jason drank 'the King's cup'. Everyone dispersed into their own thing once again, Beca making sure to go in a separate direction to both Stacie and Aubrey. She made her way over to one of the empty couches and sat, beer in hand. 

Chloe followed her and lied down on the couch, resting her head on Beca's lap and Beca automatically began running her fingers through Chloe's hair, as if by routine.

"Becs, you okay?"

Beca nodded but stayed in her stare at nothing. The two sat in their own silence, just enjoying a break from everything going on around them. Chloe could read Beca easily so it wasn't difficult to figure out she was still hung up on the whole Stacie and Aubrey thing.

"You can talk to me, Becs."

"Did you know? About Stacie and Aubrey?" 

Chloe took a deep sigh and looked up at Beca, who was now staring right back at her. "I didn't. Aubrey and I don't talk about our sex lives but that's because I assumed she didn't really have one. Kinda makes me feel-"



The two sat in silence a little longer, Beca's fingers still running through Chloe's red locks as Chloe lay there in thought. 

If you were to see these two on a bench, you would think it is the most random duo you could find. Spider-man and Daphne from Scooby-Doo. But, if you knew Beca had been forced into costume by her best friend and that Chloe just wanted a costume which meant she wouldn't have to wear a wig, it could look completely ordinary. 

Both of them had so much on their mind and they both couldn't bring themselves to say what they felt.

Their thoughts were interrupted when Emily came over, handing Beca a bottle of water after sitting opposite Beca on the small coffee table that was next to the couch. 

"What's this for?"

Emily glanced down at her phone to check the time and back up to Beca.

"Isn't now usually the time you'd start sobering up..."

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