11 - The Performance

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A/N: Would like to quickly point out that I won't be posting the lyrics of the whole song, just a few lines since there will be many songs in this chapter.

The previous day at school was pretty boring for everyone. The majority of Jesse and Beca's day was spent at tech rehearsal, Chloe was hoping to be able to speak to Beca but they never got the chance to talk and Stacie and Fat Amy were trying to get Beca to tell them what songs she was singing and exactly what happened on the porch. By the end of the day, they had given up asking and to say Beca was relieved would be an understatement. 

Beca wouldn't care about them knowing what happened on the porch but nothing actually did happen it was an almost and she knew her best friends would over dramatise the whole situation. As for the songs, she had a big plan that she kinda needed to use the songs for. 

It was the night of the performance and last minute changes were starting to add to Beca's nerves. Beca had to sing one song quite early on in the assembly and then she has a few songs that she has to fill the gap where the drama students dropped out. She had already began pacing around backstage, fiddling with the guitar strap and occasionally dropping the pick inside of her acoustic guitar. She didn't need it yet but she needed it for the song she was most worried about so it was the one she practiced the most. 

"There's my little rockstar!" 

"Ugh, mom! I can't breathe here." Beca's mom had gave her a big hug, probably a little too tight for Beca's liking and finally released her daughter after a lot of complaint. "I thought you were working tonight."

"I managed to swap with someone so I could come. I wouldn't miss your first real performance."

"Your making it sound like I'm performing at the Super Bowl. It's only for some stupid assembly. Super Bowl sounds much more scary."

"What are you scared for? I've heard you plucking away at those guitar strings when you think we've all gone to bed. Your amazing Becs. Clearly you get it from me. I'm kidding, I couldn't be less musically talented if I tried but your amazing and now is your chance to show everyone that not only are you a soccer captain, your a star singer." She pulled Beca into a hug one last time before saying goodbye and making her way to her seat. The auditorium seats had been stacked away and there were just many tables laid out on the floor. All around the room were information boards so the parents could see what students had achieved over the last year.

Just in front of the stage was the teacher's table, to the right was a table mainly filled by parents, including Jesse's mom and Beca's mom. The table behind was where Stacie, Emily, Fat Amy, Jesse and Beca's reserved seat was. To the left of this table was where the cheerleaders sat, including Aubrey and Chloe who was sat on the closest seat to Stacie's. Beca could see out into the audience, scanning for her friends when she locked eyes with Stacie and looked back down to her phone. 

B - I don't think I can do this

S - What are you talking about? Your the most popular girl in school so even if you were shit, no one would care x :)

B - Great pep talk Stacie. But that's not what I mean. I need you to do me a simple favour and make sure that Chloe stays until my final song. It's a little later on in the night but I need you to do it for me :)

S - I don't think it would take much to convince her to stay but sure x good luck Becs! Xx

Beca turned off her phone and stood in one of the wings ready to listen to their principle's speech. 

"Thank you all for coming this evening. Our main focus this evening is to think about our inspirations and some of our students will help us out with that. Feel free to take a look around the room which shows some of the work that students have done on their inspirations. Here to introduce our first performance, Miss Carter."

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