33 - All Or Nothing

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There's a lot of talk about the legacy left behind when a person leaves school. There aren't many chances to leave behind a good one so all the possible chances must be taken. Beca had been assuring herself that she was going to leave behind a legacy so that other freshman girls (who are just like she was) know what is possible since she started high school.

So far, she had helped the school soccer team to three consecutive championships and she was hoping to make it four. It was like she felt it was her responsibility as captain to take her team to championship and she had done the majority of the work and it was today that decided if it was going to be worth it or all for nothing.

She set her alarm thirty minutes earlier that morning, making sure she had everything she needed ready so that when she came home from school, she had the time to double check everything and make sure she was ready. When she woke up, the first thing she did was pack her bag, putting in everything that was necessary and few extra things that were just in case. She then did a small exercise routine that she found on YouTube before having her breakfast and protein shake.

Emily and Lucy joined her downstairs shortly afterwards, both pulling the same surprised expression when they saw she was already awake.

"Are you feeling alright?" Lucy asked, with a hint of sarcasm but also slightly concerned.

"I'm fine, just wanted to be ready for tonights game that's all." Beca started tidying her mess away which just concerned them both even more. "Are you able to make it tonight, mom?"

Beca knew of her mom's busy new work schedule and wasn't expecting anything much, but she secretly hoped she could make it to what was her final high school game and it was a pretty important one. "I'm going to try my best but you know what works like now. You don't need me there because you'll do great, but I promise to make it up to you if I don't get there." She kissed her daughters forehead and proceeded to drink the coffee that had been made for her. "You both better start getting ready soon, unless you want to be late."

They both hurried with what they were doing and headed upstairs, getting ready for the day. Emily was embracing the May weather wearing a denim dress and Beca was in her usual style of black jeans but wearing a USA soccer jersey. She checked her bag one last time before shouting to Emily to meet her in her truck and she drove them both to school.

They met their friends in homeroom and they were just sitting on desks talking while waiting for Mr Smith to come in. "How's my soccer star girlfriend this morning?" Chloe asked, wrapping her arms around Beca's neck.

"Nervous, but better now." She gave her a quick peck on the lips before moving to her seat as Mr Smith walked into the room.

He sorted attendance and then started talking to the class. "I've been asked to remind you all that the championship soccer game is tonight and to recommend you go. Good luck, Beca." He looked up from his computer and smiled at her, probably for the first time since freshman year.

"Thank you, sir." She smiled back, finally coming around to the man she has hated for four years.

"Coach has told me to tell you to make your way to his office for first period for a 'team talk." He said while making air quotes. He went back to the regular announcements which no one really paid attention to, except for Aubrey and Emily who were invested in his every word.


Their final period was English, which Beca spent not really paying attention and thinking about the match, which wasn't long away. Miss White could see that Beca wasn't herself since she usually answered a few questions but this lesson she just sat looking uninterested.

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