25 - Saturday Night's Alright

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This night was an extremely important event in Beca's life. It helped her in more ways than one, some ways more surprising than others.

It felt as though the weight of the world was on her shoulders, certainly not helping with the nerves of it all.

Fortunately, she wasn't the only one bearing the weight and had the help of people who knew what they were doing when it came to organisation.

"Beca and Jesse, that needs to be more central. Chloe, I thought I told you to go help the caterers. For the last time, the donation boxes have to be spread out across the room, not just in the corner. Let's move people we have seven hours to get this sorted and so far we are moving at snails pace!" Aubrey barked orders at them all, snapping her fingers as if it would make them move any faster.

Beca had the help of all her friends, plus the whole town, to put this together.

Many things happened to work out in her favour. The venue was provided by Sophie's parents since they partially owned the hall, which came with its own bar and stage. Others offered to set up stalls around the room, someone even offered to DJ which was totally unnecessary but it was still a nice gesture.

As well as being there to set up, the group were there to help keep Beca's nerves down. For pretty much the whole week Beca had been stressed and her fingernails couldn't have taken anymore.

A few hours later, plus a lot more orders from Aubrey, and things were ready. People started filtering out, going home to get dressed, Beca staying behind a little longer to double and triple check everything.

She didn't realise Chloe was stood by her side until the redhead took a hold of her hand and intertwined their fingers.

"Hey," Beca said, placing a small kiss on her forehead. "I thought you'd left with everyone else, as much as I love you in sweats, it's formal attire. Says on the poster and everything."

Chloe raised her eyebrows and gestured to Beca's basketball jersey and plain black shorts. "You're not exactly formal either. Come on, the staff can handle things here while you are gone for an hour and when you're back, everything is going to be perfect."


Beca put off changing for as long as possible, opting to stay comfortable for the maximum amount of time. 

She sat in her room, playing a few things on guitar until the time came where she couldn't put off changing any longer.

She soon emerged downstairs, wearing a white Tommy Hilfiger polo short, tucked into blue jeans which were held up by a black belt.

Beca was instantly taken aback by both beautiful girls who were sat waiting for her in the living room. The realisation that she hadn't seen her mom dressed like she was in what she considered too long.

Lucy had her hair loosely curled, pinned behind her ears showing off her sparkling earrings. She wore a red dress, which stopped slightly above her knees but had a low v-neck. Her black heels making her look slightly taller, which always helped since she was quite a small woman.

Emily was wearing a lilac mini dress with spaghetti straps, as well as clear heels, adding to her height. Her hair was loosely waved and her makeup nude and other natural colours. The outfit accessorised with a silver bracelet that hung loosely around her wrist and a similar necklace.

"You both look beautiful," Beca kissed her mom on the cheek, then went to put on her red Jordan ones, as well as making sure she had everything she needed. "Are we ready to go?"

"I'm going to need a photograph first, proof my daughter wears something other than black jeans."

Beca just rolled her eyes, agreeing to take a few photos, helping her mom since she kept covering the lens with her finger.

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