21 - Things Are Looking Up

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Beca walked down the empty school hall, making her way to homeroom. She decided to drive herself to school that day, making a slight detour on her way costing her to be on time but it didn't bother her.

Her mood was a good one for once and even Mr Smith's constant complaints couldn't change it.

She made sure she had everything she needed from her bag before putting it in her locker and she made her way to homeroom.

The brunette walked in the door and was instantly handed a detention slip which she stuffed into her pocket and sat down at her desk, rolling up the sleeves of her letterman jacket, showing off a certain item that was dangling from her arm. Jesse turned to talk to her but something instantly caught his eye.

Wrapped around Beca's wrist was a black bracelet that looked familiar but Jesse couldn't quite place why he recognised it. He began talking and then mid sentence his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"Holy shit!" Jesse shouted, also earning himself a detention slip but he was too excited to care. "You asked her out?" This time it was a loud whisper.

"I did. I went to the treehouse on the way to school." Beca said, with a smile on her face that she could hardly contain.

"Tell me everything."

"The treehouse is pretty much the same, I think we should repaint it though." Beca said in a very sarcastic tone.

"Not about the treehouse you idiot. Stop messing around this is important." Jesse said, smacking her over the back of the head.

Beca rubbed the back of her head and told him about the meal she cooked, the conversation on the couch and what happened after.

The Night Before

"Chloe Beale, will you be my girlfriend?"

The redhead squealed with excitement and then took a deep breath, attempting to keep calm. "Of course I will."

Beca gave a sigh of relief before cupping Chloe's cheeks and connecting their lips.

The kiss began to fill with passion as Beca's hands ran to Chloe's hips as Chloe climbed atop of Beca. The brunettes fingers became entangled in Chloe's hair while the other hand held her hip, determined to not let her go.

Chloe kept a hand beside Beca's face that was holding her up and the other trailed from Beca's thighs, up to her hips and then to her cheek, making sure the distance between them wasn't increasing.

A door opened and the two sat up to see Emily with one hand covering her eyes, the other clutching a bag of groceries and a very red face, getting a darker and darker by the second.

"I- erm... I'm just going to take these to the kitchen." She said as she peeped through the gaps in her fingers, finding her way to the kitchen as Beca and Chloe erupted into a fit of laughter.

Back To The Present

Jesse sat with a proud smile on his face and Beca couldn't help but smile too. The bell rang and Beca was about to leave the class when she was cut off by Stacie which left just the two of them alone in the classroom.

As much as Beca tried to get past, Stacie wasn't going to let her and she was adamant that their whole silence needed to be over with.

"I'm being the bigger person because I can see what's on your wrist and you need to tell me everything. So if I'm the loser that broke first then so be it."

"Stacie, you slept with Aubrey. Literally fucked her. I'm not speaking to you." Beca had given up trying to leave the room so she just sat on one of the tables muttering about how that was an image she did not need in her head.

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