22 - Or Maybe They Aren't

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Beca's birthday was around a week ago now and things were still great. Her and Chloe were still going strong and things seemed to be going well with Stacie and Aubrey, not that Beca knew much about their relationship status and they didn't either. The college scouts watched Beca's latest game which they won with ease. Many people, including Emily and Chloe, auditioned for the schools musical which was meant to happen after Christmas break. 

It was slowly becoming common knowledge that Beca and Chloe were a thing. It didn't bother either of them since it wasn't ever a secret, it was just that they didn't go shouting about it or make a big deal of it. If they knew they were together, what difference does it make if anyone else does?

Chloe was sat in English Literature and talking to Aubrey while Miss White was taking attendance. Beca wasn't in homeroom but this time she had a genuine reason, it wasn't just the fact she couldn't be bothered. 


There was a long pause before she marked her absent, then went to carry on.

"She isn't usually this late." Chloe muttered under her breath. She turned back to Jesse who had the same thought, waiting for Beca to walk through the door any minute.


"Are you sure you don't want me in there with you?" 

Beca and Lucy sat in Beca's truck which was parked in the hospital car park. The soccer captain was stressing out, more than Lucy even though it was Lucy's appointment. 

"You've asked that eight times already and yes I am sure. Now are you going to unlock the door because I need to go."

Beca reluctantly unlocked the door and Lucy got out of the truck after kissing Beca's forehead, then began walking towards the hospital. She waited outside, waving goodbye to Beca as she drove out of the parking lot. 

The hospital wasn't too big and it didn't have to be for a small town. A small handful of people were in the waiting room so she didn't have wait too long, probably around fifteen to thirty minutes and was called inside the room. Her doctor took a few tests, then they had to take a couple extra which involved more doctors, then the room became very crowded. 

A few more results came in and the doctors began to disperse, with the only people left being Lucy and her original doctor.

Lucy was a healthy woman. She ate everything she was supposed to, except the occasional takeout when she was too tired to cook, exercised the right amount and doesn't smoke or drink daily.

But sometimes it just is never enough. 

The original doctor stood looking at the clipboard, with a sympathising look.

"Miss Junk, do you have someone with you? I think it would be best if I spoke to you when someone was here to... help you through this... situation."


Beca was in music, starting to learn the music for the school musical while Jesse was teaching her the plot of the musical. 

"And then the plant it's all like 'feed me, Seymour feed me!' and Seymour-"

Jesse was cut off by Miss Carter who had called Beca to take her things then head to reception. There was something about her tone of voice that didn't seem right. Not quite disappointed, more sympathetic.

Beca's face dropped and the instant worry kicked in when Miss Carter said it was something to do with her mom. She raced to her locker and then headed straight for reception.

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