26 - Blue Christmas

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The next morning, Chloe awoke to find herself wrapped in Beca's arms and her head resting on her chest. As the brunette slept next to her, she couldn't help but to smile while she replayed the night in her head.

She lay there a little longer, not wanting to face the cold that lived outside the sheets, but couldn't possibly stay in bed any longer and waste the day away.

She walked downstairs, finding that no one else was awake yet - she assumed Emily would join her soon and that Lucy was still battling a hangover since she made the most of being social to say the least.

Chloe found a spot on the couch with a blanket, drinking her morning coffee while watching whatever morning chat show was on and she didn't even question when Fat Amy and Jesse walked through the door and sat down next to her. The three of them were shortly joined by Emily, Stacie and Aubrey, all of them making themselves comfortable and too tired to even have a simple conversation with each other.

After a while, Chloe knew Beca would be waking soon and chose to make her breakfast which then gained her requests and orders for everyone's breakfast so it ended up being Emily and Chloe making everyone breakfast while the rest of them watched them cook with them all gathered around the kitchen island.

Chloe cooked over the grill and relaxed when she felt a pair of small arms wrap around her waist and a head resting on her shoulder.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty." Chloe whispered, knowing how fragile her girlfriend was in the mornings.

Beca left a small kiss on her shoulder, replying "Morning, my love." in a low tone. She rolled her eyes when her response in her 'private conversation' was met with an audience of 'aww's'. She turned round facing them all, noticing which of her friends were there. "Morning Em, good morning people who do not live here."

She was about to give another sarcastic response but the cup of coffee she was handed was a distraction. Beca leaned against the kitchen counter, waiting for the caffeine to kick in before she even started thinking about her plans for the day.

Emily sat opposite her, quietly humming a tune that Beca couldn't quite place much to her annoyance. Jesse joined in by whistling, Fat Amy attempted a whistle but it came out more like she was trying to blow bubbles so she hummed instead. It was only when she had a full choir in her kitchen that Beca figured out the tune and questioned their song choice.

"Christmas songs, it's still too early for those yet. Call me Scrooge but it's only acceptable the end of November. " Beca ignored the whistling of 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' but was stared blankly at the rest of the group, most of the looks being looks of confusion.

"Beca, what date do you think it is?" Aubrey asked, probably the most confused out of them all.

"I don't know, like somewhere mid-November. Why are you all looking at me like I'm deranged?" Chloe pulled Beca's phone out of Beca's back pocket and showed her the screen, waiting for her to read the date. "Holy shit."

Sunday 1st December

4 Weeks Until Christmas

She stood in shock as she took in the fact that time had passed so quickly and that she let everything going on in her life distract her from the fact that she only had so much time left with the people around her this school year before everything changed.

The chances were that she would still talk to two or three of them and the rest she would only see at high school reunions. Beca hoped that it wouldn't happen to her group that seemed close knit but she secretly hoped even more that she would be with Chloe until they were old and had taken up knitting. She knew the likelihood of high school relationships lasting until old age but she was hoping her and Chloe were going to defy the odds.

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