12: Approved

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- Y/n's Pov -

'Y/N! CAN YOU COME DOWNSTAIRS?' My mom yelled.

I didn't wanna go. She's probably gonna tell me I can't be together with Neville and I don't want that to happen. He means everything to me. The thought of not being able to be with him, it makes me so sad.

I just kept laying on Neville's chest, not wanting to go downstairs.

'E- ehm, petal, you're mother wants you to go downstairs.' He said.

'I know, I just don't want her to tell me we can't be together.' I sighed. 'Maybe she called for something else?' 'I don't think so Nev.'

'Y/N! COME DOWN!' 'ALRIGHT I'M COMMING!' I yelled back. I couldn't stay hidden forever. I gave Neville a peck on the lips and went downstairs, hoping for the best.

'Hi mom.' 'Hello Y/n. I've thought about you and your boyfriend and-' 'Mom please, please just let me be with him! Neville the nicest and most caring boy I've ever met! I love him so much and I don't wanna loose him!' I interrupted her.

She stared at me for a few seconds.

'Well, Y/n. What I was gonna say was, I approve of him.' My face immediately lit up. 'For now. For now I'll approve of him. But I'm gonna think some more and if I change my mind, I'll let you know.' She explained.

'Oh my god thank you so much mom!' I exclaimed and hugged her. Then I went back upstairs.

Neville sat on my bed and was reading something when I tackled him into a hug.

'AH- oh, you seem happy.' He said. 'I am! Mom approves of us!' I said happily. 'Really?' He said. I nodded and he hugged me back. 'That's a relieve. I really thought she wasn't gonna approve of me.'

Sorry that this is such a short chapter

Just Perfect (Neville Longbottom X Fem Reader) Where stories live. Discover now