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- Y/n's Pov -

And so my first year at hogwards was over.

A lot has happend, that's for sure.

I made friends.

I learned a lot about magic.

But the best thing is deffenetly that I met Neville.

The boy I can now call my boyfriend.

But how was I gonna tell my mom about him?

Mom is very overprotective. She always said I couldn't date anyone until I was 20. And she was dead serious.

I once brought a boy home because we needed to study together. My mom thought we liked each other so she put on a scary mask and told him to leave. A scream from him later I knew the damage was done.

Yeah, she isn't really like most parents.

How am I gonna tell her I have a boyfriend? Maybe I can ask Gianna for help?

I just hope she doesn't do anything to him.


Neville and I just got out of the train and we were saying goodbye. I didn't wanna leave him for 2 months. But I knew I had to.

'Promise me to send letters?' I asked him while we hugged on the platform. 'Of course love. You write back?' 'Mhm!' I said. We stood there hugging for some more time.

I really didn't wanna leave him.

'Ay Y/n! Are you comming?'

I looked away and saw Gianna wait for me.

'I really gotta go now Nev. You write me first?' 'I will.' I quickly kissed him on the lips, grabbed my suitcase and walked to Gianna.

'Is he your boyfriend?' She teased. I'll explain on the way home.'

'Okay, spill the tea.' Gianna said when we got into the car. 'Is he your boyfriend?'

'Well, yes.' I said. 'Oh my gosh really?! That's great! What's his name?' 'Neville Longbottom. You know, the boy I told you about in my letters.' I said happily.

'Aah okay. I had my suspicions you liked him. You weren't very subtle about how much you wanna hang out with him and stuff.' She teased. 'Okay okay, I get it. I should've realized I like him sooner. But how am I gonna tell mom I have a boyfriend? She doesn't want me to date anyone until I'm like 20.' 'Are you serious?' Gianna asked. Then I told her the story with the scary mask.

'.... is your mom like, mentaly okay?' She asked. 'Yeah, she is. But according to her: "if she's gonna protect me from boys, she might as well get some fun out of it".' I explained.

'Well, what if I'm there when you tell her? If she's still the same as when I met her first time when she and your dad got together, she won't do anything. She's pretty scared of magic.' Gianna suggested.

I thought for a bit. It was a pretty good idea. Mom is scared of magic, especially after dad died. So maybe she won't completely freak out if Gianna's there.

'Yeah, that's a good idea. Thanks Gianna.'


When I got home I asked Gianna to stay. I better tell mom now. Gianna agreed, and we walked inside.

'Mom?' I called out to her. 'Y/n!' She yelled, ran up to me and she gave me a hug. 'I've missed you so much sweety!' 'I've missed you too.' I said and hugged her back. We let go of the hug. 'How was Hogwarts?' She asked. 'Well, there's much I need to tell you, but 1 thing is pretty important. Can we go to the kitchen to talk?' I asked. 'Of course. Come on.'

We walked to the kitchen and sat down at the table.

'So, what did you wanna tell me?' Mom asked. 'W- well.... don't get angry at me, but....' 'sweetheart, you can tell me everything, you know that, right?' Mom said.

'Y- yeah. But please just don't get angry.' 'I'll try my best.' She said.

'I.... I have a boyfriend.'

'What?' She asked, already sounding angry.

'Listen mom I know you don't want me to date yet but I promise Neville is the best boy ever! He's kind, and caring, and-' 'Neville? What kind of name is that?' She judged.

'Mom, please. Give him a chance! He's so amazing and I just love him so much!!'


'Mom please I- wait did you say fine?'

'Yes, you can date him. But on 1 condition.' 'O- okay, what is it?' 'He'll have to come here so I can meet him. Only if I approve of him, you can date him.' 'O- okay. Thanks mom....' I said.

She was deffenetly being so nice because Gianna was here. I just hope she doesn't get angry when she's gone.

10 minutes later

Gianna had just gone away, and I was prepairing for the worst. But when I turned to mom again, she didn't seem angry.

'Ehm, mom? Not to be mean, but why aren't you angry?....' 'did you expect me to be angry?' 'Well, yes actually. Last time you thought I liked someone you scared them away with a fake chainsaw.' I said.

'Well, Y/n. At first I was a bit angry. But you're 14 now. I think it's time for me to let go of you some more and.... let you date someone. But still only if I approve of him!' Mom said strictly. 'Okay! Thank you mom!' I said and hugged her.

I deffenetly didn't expect this.

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