1: Daigon Ally

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- Y/n's Pov -

My life had suddenly changed with 1 letter.

I've always dreamed of living in a fantasy world. Like the ones in the tv shows, or the movies or the books! I've daydreamed my whole life of taking on enemies and practicing magic. But never would I have thought it would actually come true.

But then a strange letter arrived.

Dear Y/n Y/l/n

We're pleased to inform you that you've been excepted to Hogwards school of witchcraft and wizzardry.

These few lines already made me think I was dreaming, or this was some sort of prank. But it wasn't.

My mom sat me down and explained everything to me.

This conversation made me so confused.

Turns out my dad came from a family of wizzards and witches. My mom didn't understand most of it when she discoverd it. When dad died from a car crash when I had just been born, my mom promised herself never to tell me, since chances were that the car crash happend because of a magical attack. She wanted to protect me. She knew chances were big I'd have magical powers too, but she didn't tell me until she knew for sure.

And there I was. With almost no information about all of this, with a letter saying I could go to a school for witches and wizzards.

But the letter also said something else:

Even though we've detected your magical abilities so late, you'll still be attending 4th year classes with the other witches and wizzards your age, even though this will be your first year. We will be sure to inform all the teachers you'll be having classes with to be patient with you, since you'll have more to learn then the other stundents who already had 2 years of classes.

Great, now I'll be the stupid witch who doesn't know anything.

Anyways, I've never really had contact with my dads side of our family, which is probably because mom didn't want me to know about this wizzarding world, but I've come in contact with 1 of my cousins, Gianna. She attended Hogwards too and is gonna help me with getting my school supplies.


'So here is Diagon Ally? It's just a brick wall.' I said confused. 'You just stand there while I do the magic work.' She said with a wink.

She took out a sort of fancy looking stick and tapped with it on certain bricks on the wall. I froze in my spot when the bricks started moving and opened up an entrance.

I just stared at what just happend. You'd think that after all the daydreaming I wouldn't be so shocked, but wrong.

'Come on silly, we gotta get yoy your school supplies.' Gianna said.

Time skip

After going to many shops and getting many things, there was only one thing left on the list in the letter, a magic wand.

'The only thing left is a magic wand.' 'I know where to go. Ollivanders. The best wand shop. I got my wand there too. Come on.' We walked until Gianna stopped and walked inside a store, I just followed.

'Gianna! I haven't seen you since you needed a new wand when you were 15. You didn't break yours again, right?' A man standing on a ladder said. He walked off of the ladder.

'Nope, I'm here to get my niece her first wand.' Gianna said.

The man turned to me. 'And what is your name?' 'Y/n.' I said shy, not knowing how wizzards interract.

'Am I overthinking this?' I thought.

'Well, let's try to find a wand that fits you then.' The man said and he walked into the back of the store.

'What is he going to do?' I asked. 'The wand choses the wizzard, or in this case witch. Ollivander is really good at finding the right wand for every wizzard or witch. He's probably trying to find one that he thinks fits you.' Gianna explained.

Then the man came back and handed me a wand. 'Maybe this one will do.' He said. I just stood there with the wand in my hand. 'Wave it.' Gianna whispered to me. I mentally prepared myself for whatever would happen, and waved the wand.

A vase immediately broke.

'I'm sorry!' I said quickly. 'It wasn't my intention-' 'don't worry, this happens all the time. This is clearly not the wand for you.' The man said and took the wand back.

He went to the back again and came back with another wand.

'Perhaps this one.' I took it and waved it again. 2 books on a bookshelf switched places. 'I've seen enough, this is the wand for you.'


After we paid for the wand Gianna suggested to go eat something, because lunchtime had already past. So I said sure, because I was pretty hungry.

When we ordered our food I decided to look on the box of my wand.

'Wood: Oak tree
Core: Unicorn hair ?! Unicorns excist?!' I asked excitedly.

'They sure do! But if you ever happend to see one, don't approach it. They don't really like people.' 'Okay. I'm starting to like this new world.' I said.

When we started eating Gianna asked: 'are you okay?' Apperantly I had a worried look on my face.

'Yeah, just a little nervous. I mean, I always dreamed of going to a fantasy world! But what if it's not everything I dreamed it would be?'

'That's always the big question cousin. But trust me, you're gonna like it at hogwards. But I gotta warn you about 1 of the professors, Snape. He's pretty strict so don't let his comments get to you, okay?' 'I'll try.'

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