10: Meeting The Mom

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- Y/n's Pov -

Today was the day. Today Neville was gonna come over to meet my mom.

I was incredibly nervous, and knowing Neville, he is probably even more nervous.

'So, when is your boyfriend gonna be here?' Mom asked, already looking judgy. 'He'll be here any minute now.' I said. Mom said nothing. She just stood up and walked to the kitchen.

A few minutes past when the doorbell rang. I immediately got up and walked to the door.

I opened the door and Neville stood there. 'Neville!' I exclaimed excitedly and basically jumped into a hug.

'Hi petal- I mean Y/n.' Neville said. I let go of the hug. 'Petal?' I smiled. 'Oh, ehm, I'm sorry.' 'Oh my gosh call me that again!' I said.

That was such a cute nickname and it made me have butterflies in my stomach.

'Eh, okay. I'll keep calling you that.' He laughed nervous. I hugged him again, and he hugged me back.

'Ehm, petal, I- I got you this.' He said and handed me a little pot with a beautiful flower.

'Oh my gosh that's so sweet, thank you.' 'Y- yourwelcome. I grew it in my backyard.' He said proudly. He was so cute.

I kissed him on the cheek. 'Come on, mom is waiting.' I said and took his hand.

'I hope she likes me.' Neville said. He looked so nervous. I stopped walking and turned to look at him. 'Don't worry okay. My mom can be intimidating, but she's just trying to protect me. When she talks to you I'm sure she'll aprove of us!' I said. This seemed to calm him down a bit. 'Thanks petal.'

I held his hand again and we walked into the kitchen. Mom was making tea. 'He's here.' I said. My mom turned around to look at us.

'So you're Neville?' My mom asked. 'Y- yes ma'am. Nice to meet you.' Neville said, looking down. 'Look at me boy.' Mom said. Neville looked up.

'Well, Y/n I would've thought you'd fall for someone..... well handsome.'

'MOM! Don't say that! He is handsome!' 'Don't make me laugh.' Mom whispered to herself. But we did hear it.

I saw Neville looked down and had a sad look on his face.

'Hey, don't worry okay.' I whispered. 'It'll be okay.'

We went to sit down and I placed the flower on the table. 'How did you get that flower Y/n?' Mom asked. 'Neville gave it to me. He grew it himself.' I said as I took Neville's hand under the table.

Our conversation went on. I saw Neville was scared and still nervous. I was still holding his hand under the table.

Mom kept asking him question after question. Doesn't she realize I love him?! Neville is the best boy ever and she just won't see it!

I was done with this shit.

'I think we're done here. Do you wanna go for a walk? There's a forest close by.' I asked.

'Y/n, I wasn't done-' 'you've asked him like 1.000 questions already. We're done here. Come on baby.' I said. He blushed.


Neville and I walked through the forest. He seemed to be completely in his element here.

It was a comfortible silence, with the sound of the wind and the birds in the background. He smiled while we walked. It was so cute. He was so cute.

'Y'know, there's a muggle story about the spirit of the forest told through a song.' I said. 'Really?' 'Yes, want to hear?' I asked. 'Sure.' Neville said.

I was happy Neville wanted to hear. Many people have told me I have a good voice. I just hope he thinks that too.

So, I started to sing.

In a world so far away
At the end of a closing day
A little child was born and raised
Deep in the forest on a hidden place
Mother never saw his face

Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony


- Neville's Pov -

I stared at her in awe while she sung. Is there anything this girl can't do?

She's good at magic, she can read a whole book out in 1 day without pausing, and she can sing good. What did I do to deserve her?

Ancient spirits of the forest
Made him king of elves and trees
He was the only human being
Who lived in harmony
In perfect harmony
In perfect harmony

Then she stopped singing.

'So, what do you think?' She asked.

'You're voice is so beautiful.' I said, still shocked at how perfect she is.

'I was talking about the story, but thanks. That's really nice.' Y/n said, giggling.

'O- oh, yeah, the story was also really good.' I said, smiling. I was so happy to call her mine.

I took her hand and leaned in a bit. 'M- may I?' I asked.

She giggled. 'You don't have to ask permission to kiss me love.' She said.

We both leaned in and shared a kiss.

I could never get enough of this feeling.

The song in this chapter is called "In Perfect Harmony" from Within Temtation. it's the song at the top of this chapter

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