6: Mission Neville X Y/n

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- Y/n's Pov -

I did something stupid.

I called Neville a friend.


Ofc I wasn't sure if he liked me back. But my stupid ass has made me lose every chance of being with him by calling him a friend!

Why am I like this?


In May

I was in my dorm reading Heartstopper for the 1.000 time. Why can't Neville and I have a relationship like Nick and Charlie? I'm so jealous of people who have a relationship like them.

Suddenly Sam bursted through the door of our dorm. 'You girls won't believe what I just found out!' She said. 'Then you better try to convince us.' I joked.

'Haha very funny. Anyway, I just found out Hogwards' ball is finaly gonna happen again!!' 'Omg really?!' River said enthusiastic. 'What ball?' I asked. 'Every year Hogwards has a special ball at the end of the year. But for the past 3 years it hasn't happend.' 'Why hasn't it happend?' 'Some shit between a Gryffindor and a Slytherin at the last ball. But it's finaly gonna happen again!' Sam said happily. 'Omg amazing!! Maybe this is your chance to go on a date with Astro.' River teased. 'Oh shut up.' Sam said while covering her face with her hands. 'Who's Astro?' 'A boy in Ravenclaw. Sam has a huge crush on him.' 'You can't say anything when I've caught you drooling over Elias multiple times.'

This conversation went on for some time when Sam asked me this: 'so, Y/n, you're gonna ask Neville out, aren't you?' I immediately started blushing. I picked up a pillow and pressed my face on it. 'I don't have a crush on Neville!' I yelled in the pillow. 'Mhm, sure.' Sam said sarcasticly. I can't blame her from teasing me like that. After all, it is true.


- Sam's Pov -

I swear Y/n's crush on Neville is ridiculous.

She's madly in love with him but won't admit it! At least I told River about my crush on Astro and didn't deny it when she told Y/n.

Well, I guess it's time for mission Neville X Y/n.

I knew that if I wanted Neville and Y/n to get together they needed a little push. So I've been making a plan, and now is the perfect oppertunity to use it. But I'm gonna need some help. I know I can count on River, but I'm gonna have to get more help.

River and I were in the library to discuss the plan.

'It's very simple. All we need to do is tell Y/n to come to the greenhouse for some Herboligy homework. I know Professor Sprout isn't there on tuesdays, so we need to do this on a tuesday. We also need someone to help us get Neville there at the same time. Then when they're there, you text Y/n something about the ball. Knowing Y/n she will tell Neville about the text. Then their conversation will probably be about the ball. And hopefully one of them will ask the other out.' I explained.

'That's a pretty good plan! Now we only need someone who can help us get Neville there.'

'I can help.' Someone said and he walked up to us.

It was Elias! He's a Gryffindor and knows Neville! This is perfect!

'You want to help us?' River asked. 'Trust me, I'd be happy to get these love sick "friends" together. Neville clearly loves her and she clearly loves him back. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it.' Elias said. River got this love sick look on her face and said 'that's so sweet, thank you.' Oh my god just ask him out already!


- Y/n's Pov -

Sam asked me to go to the greenhouse for some Herboligy homework. I don't know why she asked me to help but okay I guess.

I walked into the greenhouse, but the only person I saw was Neville.

Oh no.

After the "calling him a friend" incident happend I've been pretty awkward around him. I still talk to him, but it just isn't what it used to be. I miss the time I could be normal around him.

I decided to walk past him and just not to say anything.

But that didn't mean he wasn't gonna say anything to me.

'Hey Y/n.' He said in a soft tone. I couldn't just ignore him. So I tried to make it as less awkward as I could.

'Hi Neville. What are you doing here?' 'Someone asked me to come here for homework reasons.' He answered. 'Me too.' I said.

An awkward silence played.

Then I felt my phone buzzing.


Hey, I heard Ron Weasley wants to ask Hermoine Granger to the ball, but is too scared to, and now someone else asker her. Poor Ron :(

'Who texted you?' Neville asked. 'If you don't want to tell me that's fine but-' 'it's fine. It's just River. Apparently Ron Weasley wants to ask Hermoine Granger to the ball. You know them right?' 'Yeah.'

Another awkward silence.

'A- are you going to the ball with someone?' Neville asked.

'No, I don't know if I'm gonna go if I have no date.' 'Oh....'

I've never heard silence this loud.

'I-' 'what?' I asked. 'N- nevermind.' Neville said. 'Now I'm curious. Come on, tell me!' I said. What if he was gonna ask me out?.....

'I- I was just thinkin- I don't have a date too you see, and I was just wondering if.... you'd like to go to the ball with..... me?.....'

He asked me out.





'Y- you don't have to say yes if you don't want to, I just thought-' 'I would love to! I would love to go to the ball with you!' I quickly said.

'R- really?.....' he blushed and I saw he was shocked I said yes. 'Yes, actually.' I said, blushing.

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