11: Fake Friends

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- Neville's Pov -

We parted but kept each other close. 'I love you so much.' I said, smiling. 'I love you too baby.' She said back.

'Oh my god Y/n it's been forever!!' Someone yelled out. Suddenly 3 girls came up to us.

1 had brown hair, one had blond hair and glasses, and one had brown-blond hair with the tips dyed pink.

'Dara, Masey, Lori. What are you 3 doing here?' Y/n looked like she was about to scream.

'We were just walking through the forest when we saw you! You didn't tell us you have a boyfriend.' Dara, the one with brown hair, said. 'Well, you 3 did leave me for 2 years and then suddenly forced me back into your life, so.' Y/n said, she smiled but it wasn't a real smile.

'Aw come on girl, that's all in the past.' Masey, the one with the pink hair, said and put her hand around Y/n's shoulder. She looked very uncomfortable.

I needed to get her out of this situation.

The 3 girls kept talking.

I didn't wanna be rude but it was clear Y/n didn't wanna talk to these girls.

Then she did the sign.

When we first started hanging out we made a symbol for when either of us wanted to leave a situation.

So far only I used it.

But now she used it.

I placed a hand on her shoulder and said: 'I- I'm sorry to interrupt but Y/n's mother wants her to be back soon. So we can best go before she starts worrying.' I said.

'Oh come on, why should she listen to her overprotective mother. She can take care of herself.' Masey said and she opened an energy drink.

'You know if you drink too much of those it can take time from your life, right?' Y/n asked. 'Oh come on. Where is the Y/n we met? The one that didn't care about the rules or getting in a little bit of trouble?'

'She was never a thing! I always warned you to stay safe! And don't think I don't remember what happend! YOU were careless and just put the blame on me because YOU would get in trouble if you told the truth!! You know how dissapointed my mom was?' Y/n was on the verge of crying.

I didn't know what happend. But it was clear these 3 were bad news.

I took her hand. 'Come on petal, let's go.' I sat and we walked off.


- Y/n's Pov -

Neville took my hand and we walked off. I was so glad to get out of that situation.

I hated these girls.

They put the blame on me, abandon me for 2 years and then they think they can just walk back into my life? That's not how it works.

We walked away.

But after what Masey said next, I was done with their shit.

'Yeah yeah walk away with your fat boyfriend.'

I basically growled at her comment. Neville wasn't fat!

I tried to take my hand out of his and walk up to Masey, but Neville didn't let go. 'Please, petal, don't.' It was as if he knew what I wanted to do.

I wanted to punch her in the face.

'I'm sorry Neville, but I'm gonna give that piece of shit what she deserves.' I said quietly and walked back to those 3.

'Listen here you little shits!!' I yelled. 'You can shit talk me all you want, but lay 1 finger on my boyfriend and I'll rip your soul out of your body and yeet it to jupiter where it will never be seen again!!' I screamed.

They just started laughing.

'I'm serious!' 'Oh really? Come on Y/n, you wouldn't even hurt a fly.' Dara said.

I wanted to punch that bitch in the face.

'Y/n please! Just come with me.' Neville called out to me.

I decided to just let them go.... for now. So I started walking back to Neville.

'Idiot.' Masey said quietly.

I turned around and punched her in the face.

She fell to the ground and groaned in pain. 'I hope your nose is broken.' I said coldly, and walked back to Neville.


- Neville's Pov -

We were back at Y/n's house, cuddling in her room. I wanted to ask her what happend with her and those girls, but I didn't know if she would be comfortable with telling me.

I wanted to be there for her. But I didn't wanna make her uncomfortable either.

'Y- Y/n?' I said. 'Mhm?' She responded, snuggled up in my chest. 'Would you mind telling me what happend between you and those girls from earlier?....'

She just sighed. 'Sure. But please don't tell anyone else.' She said. 'Of course I won't.'

'Well, okay then....'

'Around 3 years ago, I was pretty good friends with them. Masey and Dara were always rebbels and didn't follow any rules. And well, one day they both didn't study for a test. So they had the briliant idea to let the fire alarm in school go off. Lori did go to class, but I followed them to convince them not to do it. In muggle schools, when the fire alarm goes off, the fire brigade automatically gets called. Which cost the school money. I tried to tell them this and convince them not to do it. But they didn't listen. When they put on the fire alarm a teacher caught us. They immediately told everyone that there was no fire and told the fire brigade not to come. When we were questioned, Dara and Masey put the blame on me. They acused me of everything they were guilty off. I tried to tell them I was there to stop them, but they believed Dara and Masey. I was expelled from that school and my mom didn't talk to me for a whole month. A little later they called me and asked to hang out. I was angry at them so I said I didn't want to. They expected me to just take the blame for them and not be angry! Well, we didn't speak for 2 years after that, but 2 years later they tried to be my friends again. But I knew what kind of people they are. They are backstabbers. And I will never talk to them again. Luckily Tori believed me and apoligized for them. We still text sometimes, but I don't wanna be friends with backstabbers like Dara and Masey.'

I was shocked. I already knew about Y/n's dad. But now I hear she also had toxic friends? I didn't realize Y/n had gone through so much in her life. She's so strong.

'Oh Merlin, I didn't realize you've been through that.' I said. 'It's okay Nev, it was years ago. Seeing them again was just a little hard, that's all.' She smiled.

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