5: Hogsmeade

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- Neville's Pov -

It has been 7 months since the new schoolyear started. Classes were the same as last year, just as everything else. But one thing was different.

I met Y/n.

Soon after meeting her I couldn't deny I had a crush on her.

I can't help it. I shouldn't have feelings for her, she's too good for me. But my feelings just won't go away no matter what I do!

So I decided I needed to be brave.

I was gonna ask her to go to Hogsmeade with me.

It wasn't gonna be like, a date. But maybe I can get a glimps of if she maybe has feelings for me. If she would want to go on a date with me.

I wasn't hoping that it would be the case, since I knew it wouldn't be. But something inside my head kept daydreaming of what would happen if she would wanna be my girlfriend.

About us walking hand in hand through the halls of Hogwards.

Holding her close in my arms.

Kissing her.....

After our first class I saw Y/n talking with her friend. Sam and River, I think. I took a deep breath and walked up to her.

'E- ehm, Y/n, can I talk to you for a minute?' I asked, as calmy as I could.

'Yeah of course Neville, what's up?' She smiled.

I swear she could hear my heart beat.

'I was just wondering if you would like to go to Hogsmeade with me next time we can go?' I asked. I looked down preparing for the worst.

'Of course I would like to go with you!' She said.

'Wait really?' I asked, almost thinking this was a dream. 'Yes of course! I'll see you next sunday! And in class of course.' Then she giggled and I felt my face heating up.

'O- okay, I'll see you there!' I said and walked away.


There's no turning back now. Y/n and I were walking to Hogsmeade together. We were gonna go drink something at the 3 broomsticks.

We were walking side by side while she excitedly explained something about a book she's been reading.

'Are all the books you read about lesbian or gay couples?' 'It's just better then straight romance, I don't make the rules.' Y/n said happily. I just smiled and laughed a bit.

When we arrived at the 3 broomsticks we sat down and looked at what we wanna order.

'Butterbeer? Do they put butter in beer here? That doesn't sound so good. Plus I don't think they can give that to underaged people so I'll pass.' Y/n said.

'Actually no. It's just a name, and there's no alcohol in it.' 'Ooooooh okay! Then I guess I'll try it.'

10 minutes later

'O my gosh why is it so sweet?! That's doesn't even taste good!' Y/n said after she tried the butterbeer.

'You don't think it tastes good?' 'No not really.' 'Okay, we'll switch drinks, I just have lemonade.' I said. We don't have to switch if you don't want to.' 'No it's fine. I like butterbeer too.' 'Oh, okay then. Thanks.' Y/n said and we switched drinks.

After that we talked for a bit. She asked me stuff about plants. I think she knows I like talking about it, since I don't think she likes Herboligy very much. It was sweet she was asking me about. It made me love her even more.

'H- hey Y/n, thank you for comming here with me. It's really fun.'

'Of course! I love hanging out with my friends!'




And there goes my heart.

I tried to hide how much that hurted me. But she saw right through me.

'Hey, are you okay?' She asked.

With all my might I held back my tears and tried to move the conversation to something else.

It worked.

Now I know what the friendzone feels like

Little note: the reaction Y/n had to tasting butterbeer for the first time was actually based on my reaction when I first tasted butterbeer. Have you ever had it? It's extreemly sweet I'll tell you that.

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