4: Hogwards

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- Y/n's Pov -

I couldn't believe my eyes. Hogwards was a huge castle. It was so beautiful. I started to think maybe this world could live up to my impossibly high expectations.

'Time for the soting ceremony.' An older woman said. She took out a hat and started saying people's names. 'Indigo Lavandra.' She said. A girl went up to the front, sat on a stool and the woman sat the hat on her head. Suddenly the curves in the hat formed a mouth. 'Ah, you're a kind soul, very very kind, I can see that. And loyal, very loyal. This is a very simple choice, HUFFLEPUFF!!' The hat shouted which made all the people at 1 of the 4 tables clap for the girl, and she sat down at the table.

After some other people it was my turn. When I walked up to the front everyone stared at me since I clearly wasn't 11 like all the other kids who were getting sorted, but I didn't care. I was too curious to see in which house I'd be sorted in. The hat listed a few things which discribed me pretty well! It's magic I guess. Then he shouted 'Y/H! (Your house)' 'yeah, I think that's a good fit for me.' I thought and walked to the table of my house.

I sat down while the sorting ceremony went on. I sat between 2 girls. 'Hi! I'm River.' One of them said. She had brown hair and freckles. 'I'm Y/n.' 'And I'm Sam!' The girl on the other side of me said. She also had brown hair, but darker then Rivers hair. I also saw she had some sort of heterochromia. Her eyes were grey but a little part of her left eye was green. 'Nice to meet you.' I said. 'Now tell me, you're not 11, are you?' Sam asked. 'Oh, no I'm not 11. I don't really get why I got accepted so late. But I didn't know about this whole world before a few weeks ago so.' I said. 'Well, I don't think that's ever happend before. Makes you pretty unique.' Sam smiled. 'True! I don't think this has ever happend yet. So you're muggleborn?' River asked. 'No, or maybe yes, or no- it's a complicated story.' I said. 'No problem. You can explain later.'

The next day

It was time for my first class, potions. Gianna has warned me that the potions teacher is really strict and even mean, so I mentally prepared myself for whatever was about to happen.

I sat in class, just writing notes when Professor Snape turned to me. 'Miss Y/l/n, what are you doing?' He said with no expression on his face.

'I'm just taking notes so I can study.' I said. 'Okay. Well you'll need to. Let me tell you even though you're new here I won't be giving you any easier work.' 'I wasn't expecting that professor that's why I want to take notes and-' 'quiet!'

Well, now I get what Gianna was talking about.


- Neville's Pov -

We had potions class with Y/h. Normaly I can't concentrate because I'm so scared Snape will get angry at me and do something to me. After all, potions isn't really my best subject.

But today, I was distracted by something, or better said someone else.


I don't know what it was about her. But I just couldn't stop thinking about her. Her laugh, her smile, how enthousiastic she was about the things she loves. I just can't get her out of my head.

Like a catchy song, or an annoying song that just won't go away. But the difference was that I didn't want this feeling to go away.

But maybe it would be better for me to get over her, since someone as beautiful as her would never go out with someone like me.

What is there to like about me? I wouldn't fall for me if I was, well anyone. I don't like anything about myself. My weight, how my teeth are placed in my mouth, how my only personality trait is that I like plants. She would never like a loser like me.

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