chapter ten

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You helped Eddie untie the boat.

"I swear, this is usually not what happens when I bring girls home." (he meant helping him escape, not chrissy dying okay 😭) Eddie chuckled under his breath, "I'm so sorry for all of this." 

You giggled and said, "It's not your fault. I'm sorry, too." 

"I promise I'll teach you how to play the guitar when all of this is over. See you on the other side." He started to paddle away from the dock house.

"I hope you mean the lake." You replied and he tried to give you a smile. "Be careful, Eddie." He cautiously rowed out into the darkness which concealed him. It was truly not the right time for you to be blushing, so you hurried through the door toward Reefer Rick's house again. 

Halfway there, Jason and the two other men came running. "Did you see anything, (Y/N)?" Jason shouted.

"No, uh, I looked inside and it was empty." 

"Look!" One of the guys, Patrick, pointed at the silhouette out in the water. "There he is!" 

Damn it. You followed them down to the shoreline. 

"Hey freak!" Jason yelled. "Where do you think you're going?"

Eddie spun around to look at them and desperately attempted to turn the boat engine on. "Come. On. You. Piece. Of. Shit!" He said between the revving of the engine. "God dammit! Nope, okay, alright." 

You could do nothing but stand and watch as Eddie picked up his oar to try and paddle away from Jason and Patrick who had dived into the water. Jesus Christ, they swam fast. You were breathing heavily as they closed up on him.

Until they all unexpectedly stopped moving. What was going on? You drew your eyebrows together as you tried to figure out what was happening in the dark. 

"What the..." The guy next to you whispered as one of the men in the water rose up in the air with a sudden force, knocking Eddie's boat over and causing waves to ripple ashore. "What..." 

You gasped. Oh no. Not again. Not again. Not again. You quickly covered your mouth with your hands and looked away. Not again.  It was time to leave. You darted up the hill from the lake to the house and jumped into your car. You had to drive to the other side of the lake right now before anyone called the police. 

You drove way above the speed limit, following the road alongside Lovers Lake until you found a construction site where you could park your car to reach the lake by foot. 

"Eddie?" You shouted, hoping he hadn't gone too far yet. "It's just me, are you there?"

"(Y/N)!" You heard a reply from somewhere in the woods. 

"Where are you?"

Eddie appeared out out the forest vegetation and you met halfway on the lakeshore. "You okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," you dismissed his question to ask him the same thing, "Are you hurt or anything?" 

"Only like, psychologically, uh, I mean, it fucking happened again."

"Yeah, I... I saw it." You mumbled as you studied his face in the early morning light. His pretty brown eyes stared right back into yours. He was bleeding from a wound on his forehead. "I left before Jason came back. But I'm sure they called the police first thing." 

"Yeah. I'm fucked." 

"Don't say that," it was hard to find encouraging words in a situation like this, "I'm sure that Steve and Nancy have figured something out by now. Believe it or not, but Steve can be pretty smart when he needs to. It's going to be alright, alright?" 

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