chapter nine

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Yesterday Nancy and Robin went to the Asylum to speak to Victor Creel for clues. It had saved Max life later that afternoon when Vecna hade come to take her at the cemetery.

The gang had stayed the night at the Wheeler's basement. You hadn't really gotten any sleep and everyone was still dozing when you heard a static noise from Dustin's walkie-talkie in the morning. 

"Hey Dustin, this is Eddie the Banished. You there?" 

You smiled slightly. 'The Banished'. 

"Dustin, can you hear me?" 

You picked up the walkie-talkie. "Hey, it's (Y/N)." Nancy woke up as well to participate in the conversation. 

"(Y/L/N)! Hey. Um, I'm gonna need a food delivery, like, real soon, unless you want me going out in the real world." 

"No. No, no, no, don't do that." Nancy said. 

"Nancy, hi. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, um, can you pick me up a six-pack? I know, it's stupid as shit, drinking right now, but a cold beer would really calm-"

"Uh, yeah, just wait a moment." You tapped Nancy's shoulder and pointed to the couch where Max had slept before. "We're gonna have to call you back."

"No, (Y/L/N), don't you dare-"

Nancy walked up the stairs and you followed her. Max was found drawing in the kitchen. Phew. You waved them goodbye to go home and shower. Chrissy's funeral was today. The gang was going to investigate Victor Creel's house, while you were going to... church. What a contrast. 

Your car was still at the hideout place, so you had to walk to the church. Even though you understood that you couldn't have done anything different to save Chrissy or Fred, you still had a a strong survivor's guilt gnawing inside. It was a huge breakthrough to learn that music saved Max from being killed yesterday, you just wished you had known earlier. 

You sat down on a bench outside when the memorial was over and searched your pocket. The cigarette pack was still there. Was it disrespectful to smoke outside of a church? Maybe. You let your hand rest on the packaging inside your pocket. These last days had really been something out of a horror movie. Worse than a horror movie. 

"Hey, I need to talk to you." You looked up to see Jason's swollen eyes. His friends were walking toward their cars, leaving you two alone. 

"How are you?" Stupid question.

 "You know Munson." 

"I... I know who he is, yeah?"

"Claire told me that you might know something about that night."

Shit. You held your breath as he explained his theory that Eddie's 'cult' - the Hellfire Club, had something to do with it. He said that the police thought Chrissy was some drug dealer and asked you what you knew about that night.

"You were going to drive those cult members home after the basketball game. Were they acting weird?"

"No, I uh, I didn't go with them. Or I did, but I... uh, I mean, they weren't being weird or anything. Not like Chrissy was."

"What do you know about Chrissy that night?" 

You told him half the truth - that she had been acting awfully weird the day of her passing. That you had tried talking to her. Maybe she was buying drugs from Eddie to numb her nerves? Jason immediately turned that idea down. No way, he said. She would never do that. You felt really bad for Jason. He was devastated and grieving the loss of his girlfriend. 

"Look, Jason, I don't know. I don't think that the nerds of the D&D club is the answer, though."

"She was found dead in Eddie's trailer, (Y/N), of course he had something to do with it."

"... You think he killed her?"

"He had something to do with it. We think we know where he's hiding."

You narrowed your eyes. "Where?" 

"Me and the boys are going to search at some different locations. I think that freak might be at his supplier's place. Reefer Rick." 

You swallowed. Your car was still there and you had no idea where your friends were right now. "R-Reefer Rick? Where does he live? You sure he would go to his drug supplier after something like this?" 

"Where else? They are both criminals." Jason replied with distaste and turned around to join his friends who were waiting by their cars. "Thank you for your help."

"Wait, Jason, I get what you're going through-"

"No, you don't."

"I... Maybe you should rest and-... Jason!" He ignored you. You swallowed. "Wait, I, I wanna help!"

"What?" He scoffed and halted to look back at you.  

"Yes, I want to help finding him." 

"You? Help? It's not safe." 

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's dangerous, (Y/N)."

"What do you mean by that?" You repeated the same question as you boldly stared at him.

He stood quiet for a moment. "I mean... we're looking for a murderer. It's not safe for you-"

"Chrissy was my friend, too. I want to help her get justice." 

One of the two boys handed you a crowbar on Jason's demand. They didn't question your presence when you jumped into the car and didn't question it when you jumped out of it either. Your hands held on tightly to the cold metal. The guys walking in front of you were planning to really fuck Eddie up. Shit. You took a deep breath as you followed them to the house. You had to find an excuse to go down to the building by the lake. 

"I uhm, I'll just... wait outside."

Jason wasn't annoyed or anything by your sudden retreat, he just gave you a quick understanding look before stepping into Rick's home. 

You waited for them all to go inside before you headed to the dock house. You opened the door just enough to fit your head. "Eddie?", you whispered, trying to avoid an attack with a beer bottle again. 

"(Y/N)? Shit!" He grabbed you by your jacket's collar and pulled you inside to close the door after you. "Did you bring them here?"

"No, I went with them, I-"

"You came here with them?!" Eddie was panicking. 

"You need to leave, take your car or... take mine, take the keys-"

"They'll see me before I even get to the car, why did you bring them here?!" 

"I couldn't stop them and I had warn you. The others are gone and my car was still here." 

Eddie put his head in his palms. "The others are gone?" 

"I went to Chrissy's funeral and they-"

"Fuck!" He exclaimed. 

"Can you drive?" 

"You know I can, I drove you and Chrissy that night."

You gave the boat where Eddie used to sleep a short nod, "I meant the boat." 

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