chapter three

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You looked at Eddie and Chrissy who were standing at the other end of the corridor. 

"(Y/N)!!" Chrissy exclaimed.

"... Hello.." You mumbled, very unprepared for this moment, caught completely off guard by seeing the Hellfire Cult leader together with the cheerleader girl. 

"... what are you doing here?" Chrissy asked, still looking completely terrified. 

"I uhm, could ask you the same but I won't do that, I'm just here for my sweater." You said as you continued to walk. Your locker was about halfway down the quiet, dark corridor. 

"It's... We're just-" 

"What have you told her?" Eddie asked with a calm voice. 

"N-Nothing." Chrissy responded.

You nodded as you tried to find the right key on your key chain. "Chrissy hasn't told me anything and I won't say anything to Jason."

"Wait, to Jason?" Eddie let out a confused laugh, "Why would you tell Jason about what Chrissy decides to do a weekend night-"

"I- I wouldn't! I said I wouldn't."

You could hear Chrissy's footsteps coming closer as you unlocked the locker. You quickly grabbed your jacket, closed the locker and looked up at her. 


"I'm sorry for scaring you guys, haha. Didn't mean to interrupt. Won't tell anyone." You reassured her, but then felt the itching need to admit, "I do think it's a bitch move though." Maybe it came off as a bit harsh, but cheating is not cool and you couldn't help but say what you thought. 

"A bitch move?" Both Eddie and Chrissy repeated, both sounding equally as confused. 

"I mean, it's not my business and I know, girl code and all but... Jason would probably get pretty hurt if he found out about you cheating-"

"Cheating?" Chrissy gasped. "I'm not cheating!!"

Eddie started laughing as he slowly approached you two. "Damn, you thought we were sleep-" 

"Then what are you two..." You shut your mouth in realization and nodded. "Ah, right. Sorry Chrissy, I completely misunderstood." 

"You won't tell Jason?"

"No, of course not. Just be careful, I guess. I'm gonna head home with Steve and your Hellfire Club freshmen but, uhm, yeah... I heard Erica beat you, by the way." You quickly tried to change the subject and minimalize the amount of awkwardness. 

Eddie cleared his throat and nodded, "Yeah, that kid's sharp."

"I know, right?" Had Chrissy been acting odd cause she was nervous about trying weed or something? No, maybe she wanted to try it because of some reason. Like. Was she sad? Had something happened? You knew that it wasn't your place to speak, you knew that you hadn't known her too long. But you still didn't like the idea of dealing with something by using substances. But... you had been all up in her business today, so you simply said, 

"Well, see you guys on Monday. English. Don't forget about it." You waved them goodbye and hurried down the corridor, only to soon hear footsteps again.


"Yeah Chrissy?" You turned around and waited for her to catch up with you. 

"Could you come with me? Now that you know my secret and all. I'd feel a bit better then."

"Come with you? Are you going home to his place?" You were were feeling extremely puzzled with this entire situation. Chrissy = drugs? No, Chrissy did certainly not equal drugs. 'You think you know a person' and so on, but Chrissy? She wasn't the kind to do drugs. You did not feel any better about her weird behavior even though you had discovered her big secret. There had to be something else making her act so unusual. "Maybe you shouldn't do this tonight." 

Chrissy looked at you with pleading eyes. "Please, I'm super nervous. We are going to pick up the stuff and then he'll drive me home again." 

"Chrissy, I don't want to go home to Eddie Munson to buy drugs." You stated as you grabbed the handle and opened the door halfway to see Steve, the boys and Erica waiting for you. 

"What took you so long?" Dustin was clearly annoyed. "We've been waiting for like, twenty minutes."

"More like five, but yeah, I'm sorry." You stood there silent for a moment, then sighed as you said, "you guys can go without me." 

"Why did we have to wait for you then?" Erica complained.

Steve furrowed his eyebrows. "Why, what do you plan on doing?"

"Me and Chrissy are going to a party." You opened the door completely so that they could see the girl behind you. She waved anxiously. 

"With the jocks?" Dustin said in disgust. 


Steve nodded. "Alright, call me if you guys want to be picked up." 

"Thanks Steve, bye guys." You closed the door again. Eddie was coming down the hallway. 

"What's going on?"

"Oh, (Y/N) is coming with us." 

Eddie nodded slowly. "Alright, are you... also a... customer?"

"Nah, just here for the company." 

"So you still think I'm scary?" Eddie joked about how Chrissy felt about him, and she shook her head with a snicker in response. He glimpsed outside to see if the coast was clear, then said "Alright, let's go to my car." 

You and Chrissy exchanged looks before you both followed him to a van out in the dark. The parking lot was empty, no people nor cars in sight. You felt glad that you went back to get the jacket, not only because of how cold it was outside, but also because you honestly thought this was a bit exciting. Such a weird combination to hang out with. Eddie Munson and Chrissy Cunningham? That's interesting.

"Alright, who wants to sit in the backseat?"

"Sure." You replied, but Chrissy tugged at your arm with her hand again and you realized that she didn't want to have to conversate with him in the front seat. 

"I'll sit there." Chrissy mumbled as she sped up her pace to reach the car before you. 

I'm sorry this is so badly written lmao

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